
来源 :通信与广播电视 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yejunlan
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本文对三维空间听觉的原理和SRS(声音恢复系统)的特点以及利用奔腾MMX计算机和数字信号处理(DSP)技术,开发SRS系统的计算机软件的实现方法作了较详细的论述,可在计算机多媒体系统中推广应用。 In this paper, the principle of three-dimensional space audit and SRS (sound recovery system) features and the use of Pentium MMX computer and digital signal processing (DSP) technology to develop SRS system of computer software to achieve a more detailed discussion of the software available in the computer multimedia System promotion.
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