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在毛主席亲自领导的批判邓小平和反击右倾翻案风斗争胜利向前发展的大好形势下,川南森工局党委以阶级斗争为纲,依靠工人阶级,实行工人、干部和科技人员三结合,大搞技术革新的群众运动,在六一一林场架设试验成功了接力转弯索道,为解决林区深沟木材远运问题,摸索出了一条新途径。这条试验索道由两条交叉索道组成,全长2.069米,只有一个接力点在交叉外(见图1)。 Under the auspices of Chairman Mao personally criticizing Deng Xiaoping and counterattacking the victorious success of the right-wing overthrow of the wind by the prosecutors, the Party Committee of the Bureau of Forestry and Labor Affairs in South Sichuan takes the class struggle as the key link and relies on the working class to carry out the three-pronged integration of workers, cadres and scientific and technical personnel. Technological innovation of the mass movement, successfully set up trials in the 6.11 forest relay cableway, in order to solve the problem of forest ditch deep groove timber, worked out a new way. The test cableway consists of two crossover cables measuring 2.069 meters in length with only one relay point outside the intersection (see Figure 1).
亲爱的儿子:  细细回想,这大概是你呱呱坠地以来,作为父亲的我第一次给你写信。  时光如白驹过隙,弹指一挥间,你已步入初三的殿堂,即将踏上中考这个人生“战场”了。这是一场多么关键而又紧张的战役呀!可当你在面对小山似的作业和卷子,每天都马不停蹄地刷题时,我却发现你时常感到力不从心、头昏脑涨,不仅学习效率下降,还仿佛对一切都失去了动力……  儿子,还记得那个“不为五斗米折腰”的田园诗人陶潜吧?他不与世
成长似一串风铃,轻轻摇曳,优美的歌声便流连于心灵的湖畔。你们的陪伴与关爱像跳跃的音符,谱写成我一路向前的幸福乐章。  爱似琴音  夜幕降临,淡淡的风吹过,划出春天的痕迹。我强睁着疲惫的双眼,在书桌上奋笔疾书。书旁是你精心准备的牛奶,散发着诱人的气息,我无暇顾及,毫不停息地转动着手中的笔。清冽的月光如水般倾泻,阵阵疲倦涌上心头。终于,我合上早已朦胧的双眼,伏在桌上小憩。依稀间,听到你轻推开房门的声音
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