
来源 :四川理工学院学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huashu123
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“全面从严治党”作为“四个全面”治国方略的重要组成部分,其核心是加强党的领导,强调从“全面”出发,关键在“严”,要害在“治”。十八大以来,党中央在梳理了我党当前所面临的困境及危机之后,采取了一系列针对性强、要求性严的措施,从作风建设、思想建设、组织建设、反腐倡廉建设、制度建设等方面着手,开创了管党治党的新局面,其显著的绩效表明了党要管党、从严治党的必要性和有效性。面对新的历史条件,全面从严治党以其所蕴涵的新布局、新任务、新思路、新高度,形成了新时期加强和改进党的建设的新常态,丰富和发展了马克思主义建党学说,推进了执政党治理能力的现代化,开启了长期执政的党自我建设的新篇章。将全面从严治党思想转化成党内的接受、认同与践行之风,还需要我党切实增强治党的决心,设计科学有效的治党措施,要在加强党内法治建设,强化制度治党、推进党建效度进程,强化科学治党、促进党建长远发展,强化常态治党、创设多元畅通途径,强化监督治党、创新党建方式方法,强化网络治党等方面继续深掘潜力。 As an important part of the “four comprehensive plans for running the country by running”, the core of the “comprehensive and strict rule of the party” is to strengthen the party’s leadership. It emphasizes that starting from “comprehensiveness,” the key lies in being “strict” and the key is “governing.” Since the 18th CPC National Congress, after reviewing the current predicament and crisis our party is facing, the Central Party Central Government has adopted a series of targeted and demanding measures, ranging from style building, ideological building, organizational building, anti-corruption and building a clean government, System construction and so on, and created a new situation in which the party in charge of governing the party and its remarkable performance demonstrated the necessity and effectiveness of the party in managing the party and strictly administering the party. Faced with the new historical conditions, the party strictly and severely punished the party with its new layout, new tasks, new ideas and new heights, formed a new normal for strengthening and improving party building in the new period, and enriched and developed Marxism-building parties Doctrine advanced the modernization of the governing ability of the governing party and opened a new chapter in the self-building of the party which has long been in power. Transforming the party’s strict ruling ideology of the party into the style of acceptance, identification and practice within the party also requires our party to strengthen the party’s determination to actually administer the party and to design a scientific and effective party governing measure. It is necessary to strengthen the party’s rule of law and strengthen the system We should continue to tap the potential of governing the party, promoting the process of building the party’s effectiveness, strengthening the scientific management of the party, promoting the long-term development of the party, strengthening the routine management of the party, establishing a diversified and smooth channel, strengthening the supervision and administration of the party, innovating the method of party building, and strengthening the party network governance.
译者前言:《行为表演美学》(sthetik des Performativen,2004)首版以来,至今在德国已发行15000册。此书作者艾利卡·费舍尔-李希特教授是德国著名戏剧理论家,著述甚丰,除新著
近日,中评协在北京召开了由13名论坛翻译志愿者参加的2006国际评估论坛翻译志愿者座谈会国际部主任邵荣华主持会议,副秘书长岳公侠出席会议并讲话  会上,岳公侠副秘书长代表中评协向各位翻译志愿者对国际评估论坛的大力支持表示了诚挚的感谢岳副秘书长表示,本次国际评估论坛举办得很成功,会议所有文件均采用双语,受到国内外嘉宾的高度评价,这与翻译志愿者们高质量的翻译水平密不可分岳副秘书长随后向各位参会人员介绍
前不久,有网友在微博上申请公开陕西榆林市神木县副县长刘亚萍的简历。刘亚萍28岁开始担任副县长职务,官网上寥寥30余字的简历,引发当地人的质疑。  这让我想起了自己家乡。过去几年,我大概知道县委书记和县长是男是女,年龄得靠目测,学历得靠揣测。上个月,县委书记升任市委常委,县长也跟着升了一格。于是,我看到了组织部门的干部考察预告——  预告格式如下:姓名,性别,出生年月,籍贯,学历,哪年任正县级及现职
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