Contemporary ceramic art style changes

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  Abstract:From classical art to modern art,Artistic form, function, purpose is a constantly evolving process. Every era needs art style and material media to fit its characteristics .Ceramics as most likely to be the most popular cognitive materials, its role often be used and expanded by artists. A number of artists who have Avant-garde ideas first out of the barrier of Individual performance and material testing, put the Ceramics in the context of contemporary culture to think, that make the ceramic medium become the carrier to express ideas. their works show a significant cultural relevance and awareness of the problem. In the context of the new cultural trends, Pottery started by aesthetic toward cultural, Form language into concepts, from the pure form creation into contemporary culture, concerns the community, involved in current life.
  Keywords: art style;ceramics;cultural context
  At present, China is in a wide range of artistic atmosphere, The arrival of the information technology era make people’s emotional world, spiritual world and culture world enormous rich , a variety of ideas and thoughts intertwined. But also because the times change, technological advances, material life has also been extremely abundant, more and more materials and technologies constantly emerge. They provide all the infrastructure to Ceramic artists to express their mood. they will also express the value of materials and concept closely integrated into a conscious act, from the language and ways of thinking tend to begin the individual expression of the Chinese social landscape.
  Current main style ceramic art
  Currently there are three different styles of pottery creations.
  The first category is they inherit the traditional pottery and promote the culture of classical ceramics. Mainly, in the ceramics market, Appears a large number of antique porcelain and ancient paintings show the inheritance and innovation.
  The exquisite beauty of ancient ceramic art can not be questioned, whether it is complicated or delicate Chinese court ceramic or ceramic painted in impressionistic landscape painting works freely about, or simply elegant monochrome porcelain, or soft or the atmosphere, are Chinese field of ceramics will always carry forward the tradition of the classic.
  The second category is a collection of the essence of traditional and modern pottery, combined the profound Chinese traditional pottery and modern art .
  Not only inherits the excellent restrained traditional ceramic culture and sense of form and modern pottery and creativity blend to form a majestic eclectic artistic temperament, not only retains the classical pottery tradition but also innovation advances, this is the sublimation of traditional pottery.   Contemporary Ceramics is taking a vigorous gesture upwards, the diversity of art are demonstrated most vividly by artists. Many excellent Ceramics masters combined classical and modern pottery to create a unique style, exquisite decoration, carved painted ceramics that all are unique works of art. Ceramic art's success depends on the control of overall layout, colors, painted carved ability, which requires the sensitivity of an artist trained in the arts and the ultimate pursuit of beauty.
  The third category that is completely divorced from the traditional ceramic art, belonging to Spontaneous creation of the artist, focusing on the performance of emotional catharsis of individual artists and the creative pottery, which is the field of modern art impact pottery on. Bold avantgarde Modern ceramic art is clear the modern fast-paced lifestyle, but an artist flash of inspiration and creativity burst results. It has gradually become the mainstream of ceramic creation.
  Reason for the change to promote ceramic art
  (一)Changes in the social system
  Last century is one of rapid change, regime change for china. feudal autocracy which Continued for two thousand years was overthrown ,in 1949, established the Republic of China, from which Chinese society has entered a new era. From a feudal monarchy to the bourgeois regime and then to the new people's political, changes of social systems made the limit of all the ceramic artifacts hierarchy broken, it is no longer the patent of kings and nobles, ceramic entered the civilian era.
  (二)Evolution of Culture
  The demise of the feudal dynasties, Chinese traditional society, level culture also will be digested. A variety of objects such as shape and color were broken, along with the deepening of China's opening up and expanding of culture change. People's pursuits and aesthetic has also been constantly improved, they have new pursuits on cultural and creative and art. Ceramic art shows a new atmosphere of flourishing, change and innovation.
  (三)Advances in technology and skills
  Ceramics is five arts, mud with fire, miraculous. Need to complete with the kiln firing. Therefore, the change in style of ceramic art is also closely related to furnace technology development. Upgrading of ceramic materials and ceramic molding technology innovation and transformation furnace technology, making utensils firing rate increased substantially. These provide a basis and protection for Firing a variety of large objects.   the establishment of Various research institutions and educational institutions, making pottery making and firing mainly from the past apprenticeship, protected by God, and there is a huge kiln process variables gradually transformed into systematic and scientific study ceramic materials science and technology and now furnace technology stable process. this makes the Ceramic art shows new situation, and the development of glaze and colorful glaze products provides a strong material foundation for artists to express their personality and talent.
  Today Ceramic artists generally have formal art education, and by Western ideas and artistic trends of the collision and edification, though study and the pursuit of art, they are nourishing and get a good harvest. They can put the ceramic material, texture, glaze, expressive and the world in his mind, the land in his eyes, the soil in his hands together. Make many pieces handed down to share.
  The main changes of modern ceramic art
  Driven by the modern art movement, the modern ceramics shows to part ways with the traditional pottery. It also shows its unique, distinctive characteristics of modern art. Compared with the traditional ceramic art, modern pottery more emphasis on the author's creative personality, cognitive and aesthetic ideas, has more spiritual connotation of modern culture, and breaking the Conservative performance of traditional pottery to new materials, new techniques, new ideas and constantly open up new creative ideas, showing a mix of personal, stylized artistic characteristics. Contemporary Ceramics as a part of modern art, it reflects a new cultural phenomenon and behavior, and its comprehensive performance ability and aesthetic orientation, far beyond the traditional sense of the visual and styling. Pay more attention to show the relationship between language and the human spirit. Modern ceramic pottery effectively broadens the field of artistic creation, make it’s artistic genres and modeling tools more colorful.
  (一) the connotation and personality of modern ceramics
  Modern ceramic art, pay more attention on the main spirit of freedom and personality .Ceramic art culture and personality formation, with other art, has an accumulation and sublimation process, including life experience, the accumulation of cultural knowledge and talent, artistic skills and artistic accomplishments of accumulation, as well as the accumulation of skilled and comprehensive skills . Life experience is a exploration process for artist to obtain material and understand the Techniques , which is the basis for the creation of ceramic art. The real ceramic artist both are knowledgeable, talented people. artist pay more emphasis on modern potters in individual experience and personal style set, at the same time, they also began to give more consideration to social, environmental integration, more attention to human and psychological problems, they are no longer pursuing the surface in the form of fun, but with own mind, emotions corresponding language forms. in the process of making pottery , modern potters put the spirit and language together ,starting from inner spirit to seek the natural language performance. Making the work has a profound cultural connotation and distinctive personality traits.   (二) the materials used by modern ceramic
  The material used by modern ceramic is critical to the ceramic works of art. Through it you can directly feel the intensity of the work and the internal structure of the aesthetic space. As can be seen from the traditional materials: blue and white, pastels, old color and other traditional decorations, which forms the unique look , subject matter of Jingdezhen, which carries with an era of change, with its own language paradigm to bring lasting love and blessing the world.
  The raw material is drawn eclectic in the process of making modern pottery. It combined with a variety of materials and makes a complementary artistic effect, so that the performance of modern pottery of both rich and fully-coordinated, surface decoration and spatial processing is also boarded a higher level. modern ceramic emphasis on texture properties, do not pay attention to rough or fine raw materials, drawing is no longer limited to the porcelain clay and clay, but intends to break through the traditional use of ceramic materials, and use the different characteristics of mud to play a variety of materials potential beauty, if the mud, sand and other materials can through the kiln ,it can be used to serve. Different materials produce different colors and textures which make the work varied, showing the cultural blend of art and nature. through the deep understanding of mud and fire, the pottery which is natural and earthy giving just the right emotion expression to artistic and praise the beauty of eternal nature and life, bring the viewer the feeling of the true nature, and catering modern people’s requirements for feeling the value and course of life.
  (三) the pursuit of formal beauty of modern ceramics
  Contemporary Ceramics is a product of modern society and modern art movement, it is consistent with the needs of modern aesthetic psychological. modern ceramics is more colorful than the traditional pottery in the pursuit of form and have growing differences from the traditional pottery in the aspects of aesthetic. So, modern pottery has entered the pure art. Accordingly, modern potters are required to go eclectic as possible, without consistency, try their best to explore and play, to show the formal beauty of modern ceramics. Under the influence of ideas of modern art, potters who tried to put the language of modern sculpture, Impressionism into the shape and decor of modern ceramic to form a new connotation ,new look of modernism. The existence of this form of pottery, whether decoration or shapes are more abstract, as far as possible to show people's feelings, ideas in order to effectively broaden the viewer lenovo space.
  The increase of "used ingredients" in Contemporary design needs ceramic artists have a broad vision, tolerant mind to understand foreign cultures which have many art forms and make a reasonable choice. Post-modern style is widely used in pottery design, almost all potters are exploring how to express their understand of ceramic in "post-modern" languages. Here, the meaning of work is no longer identified and readily available, but vague, various elements, various symbols can make their voices in the works be heard, the viewer only through their own "second creation" type of participation, Can they seek the meaning that they understand from his own imagination, thinking and interest. This can be confirmed in the creation of potters.
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