完全性房室传导阻滞在临床心电图中并非少见,惟近日见到一例婴儿因菌痢住院查体发现心率缓慢,心电图示完全性房宣传导阻滞,追询病史考虑为先天性完全性房室传导阻滞,兹报道如下: 患儿朱成功,6个月,住院号:103461。于1985年7月因菌痢入院。查体:发育营养正常,五官端正,无紫绀,心界不大,心率55,律齐,闻及大炮音,两肺阴性,肝脾来及。其父母非近亲结婚,
Complete atrioventricular block in clinical ECG is not uncommon, but recently saw a case of infants with dysentery hospitalized heart rate was slow, ECG showed complete sexual propaganda block, to pursue medical history as a congenital complete room Ventricular block, it is reported as follows: Children Zhu success, 6 months, hospital number: 103,461. In July 1985 due to diarrhea admitted to hospital. Physical examination: the development of normal nutrition, facial features, no cyanosis, heart is not, heart rate 55, law Qi, smell and cannon sound, lungs negative, liver and spleen and. Their parents marry non-relatives,