
来源 :人民教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dasaqa
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不問政治的傾向,在教育工作者中還相當嚴重。據最近平原和河北部分地區的反映,就有以下種種表現: 有不少教師認為,“我教我的課,與政治無關”,對人民革命鬥爭表示冷淡。有的不分敵我,和反動分子和平共居,熟視無睹。平原省新鄉專區一二七處高小和完小,其中有三十處校内發生過反動事件。焦作二完小校長發現一個教員在校内進行反動的宗教活動,不反對,不報告,聽其發展,讓這個反動分子公開進行反動宣传,“無產階級是死真理,耶穌和聖經才是活真理”,並動员學生入教。新鄉有一個教員在校内公開對別人說:“援朝尚可,抗美則不行”,同樣,也無人過問。孟縣二完小在校内發現反動分子散發反動传單,校長只和幾個教師商量了一下,把反動傳單燒了,打算“和平了事”;獲嘉大位莊完小校長去年冬天發現有地主成份的教師回村“倒算”,不阻止,也不反對,還說:“這是政府的事,由政府去管吧!”以致該校有六個教師都相繼回村進行“倒算”。在這種领導思想影響下,校內正氣下降,邪氣上升,一般教師“工作消極”。原陽教師桑槐江自己的工作不負責任,公開宣传“上得堂来胡嚼嘿,下得堂來郊外遊,熬够一月三十天,拿到小米不發愁。”這是第一種。 The tendency to ignore politics is still quite serious among educators. According to the recent reports of plain areas and parts of Hebei Province, there are many manifestations: Many teachers think that “I teach my course has nothing to do with politics,” and I am noticing the people’s revolutionary struggle. Some regardless of enemy and I, and peaceful co-existence of reactionaries, turned a blind eye. One hundred and twenty-seven high schools and elementary schools in Xinxiang, an area of ​​plain province, were small and in which 30 reactionary incidents occurred in schools. Jiaozuo Second Primary School principal found a teacher performing reactionary religious activities within the school. He did not oppose, report, or listen to its development and let this reactionary publicize the reactionary propaganda. “The proletariat is the death truth, and Jesus and the Bible are the living truths” And mobilize students to teach. Xinxiang has a faculty member in the school openly said to others: “Aid Korea can, anti-US will not work,” Similarly, no one to ask. Two small Meng County school found reactionary reactionary flyers distributed in the school, the principal only a few teachers and discuss a bit, the reactionary flyers burned, intends to “peace thing”; Of the teachers returned to the village and did not stop or oppose it. They said: “This is a government matter and the government should take charge of it.” As a result, six teachers in the school went back to the village one after another to make “countdown.” Under the influence of such leadership ideas, the righteousness in the school has dropped and the evil has risen. Generally, teachers work “negatively.” Yuanyang teacher Yang Huai Jiang’s own work irresponsible, openly publicity “on the hall to chew Hey, under the Hall to the outskirts of travel, get enough January 30, get millet do not worry.” This is the first Species.
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