
来源 :寄生虫病与感染性疾病 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:harryamarly
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目的初步分析2007-2011年云南省细菌性痢疾流行特点,为制订细菌性痢疾防控策略提供参考。方法从中国疾病预防控制信息系统获取疫情资料,用Excel、mapinfo4.5和SAS9.2软件进行统计描述和检验。结果2007-2011年云南省累计报告菌痢37035例,年均报告菌痢7407例,年报告发病率在18.69/10万~14.72/10万,5年平均报告发病率低于全国平均水平;49.52%的病例集中分布在昆明、大理、红河和曲靖4个州(市),迪庆州5年平均发病率为80/10万,为全省最高。菌痢每年的发病高峰均出现在5月份,68.16%的病例分布在4-8月。病例以学龄前儿童、学生和农民为主,20岁以下人群男性发病多于女性,20岁及以上则女性多于男性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。2007-2011年全省累计报告菌痢暴发疫情4起。结论云南省2007-2011年菌痢疫情总体上相对平稳,人口聚集的滇中地区菌痢病例较多,滇西北地区病例较少但发病率较高,每年4-8月是高发季节,学生、幼儿和农民是高危人群,农村地区的学校和托幼机构等人口集聚地易发生暴发。 Objective To analyze the epidemic characteristics of bacterial dysentery in Yunnan Province from 2007 to 2011 and provide a reference for the development of prevention and control strategies of bacterial dysentery. Methods Epidemic data were obtained from China Disease Prevention and Control Information System and statistically described and tested with Excel, mapinfo4.5 and SAS9.2 software. Results A total of 37035 cases of dysentery in Yunnan Province were reported from 2007 to 2011, with an average of 7407 cases of bacillary dysentery each year. The annual incidence rate was 18.69 / 100 ~ 14.72 / 100 000, and the average reported incidence in five years was lower than the national average level. 49.52 % Of cases concentrated in Kunming, Dali, Honghe and Qujing 4 states (cities), Diqing state 5-year average incidence of 80 / 100,000, the highest in the province. The annual incidence of bacillary dysentery occurred in May, 68.16% of the cases were distributed in April-August. The cases were mainly preschool children, students and peasants. Men under 20 years of age had more incidences than men, while women aged 20 and over had more men than men (P <0.05). From 2007 to 2011, four cases of outbreaks of bacillary dysentery were reported in the province. Conclusion The epidemic situation of bacillary dysenteria in Yunnan Province during 2007-2011 was relatively stable in general. There were more cases of bacillary dysentery in Central Yunnan, but fewer cases in Northwest Yunnan. However, the incidence was high from April to August every year. Students, Toddlers and peasants are high-risk groups. Outbreaks are likely to occur in population centers such as schools and kindergartens in rural areas.
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