
来源 :水利水电快报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qingyou123
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在伊朗 165m高的马伦坝 ,使用安全壳 (fuseshell)终止了 6个月的渗漏危害。因此避免了发生管涌、施工进度延误和环境破坏等 In Iran’s 165-meter-high Mullen Dam, the use of a containment vessel (fuseshell) terminated a six-month leak hazard. Thus avoiding the occurrence of piping, construction schedule delays and environmental damage
当来自世界各地的人们奔向“世界之教” 罗马惊叹其无与伦比的历史,涌向“新雅典”佛罗伦萨赞叹其杰出的艺术,走问“黑社会”西西里观望尚活跃的火山口,不少人却忽视了意大利北
[Objective]The research aimed to study the induction and molecule detection of Ginseng Hairy roots. [Method] The three-year-old Ginseng roots explants were infe
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MACAO is located at the delta of the Pearl River onChina’s southeastern coast, about 60 kilometers fromHong Kong. Its beautiful peninsula is complemented bytw
Objective To investigate the variation of chemical characteristics with environmental factors and establish a relationship between morphological characters and
山下的马湖在蓝天下泛着光芒,倒映着白云朵朵,恰似一颗宝石静静镶嵌在大地上。 在半山坡歇息的那一刻,我开始享受大自然那美妙的造化——在大体力的付出、筋疲力尽的攀登后,