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栽培技术一、选地⒈马铃薯喜土层深厚、疏松的微酸性(pH=6.5左右)土壤,这种土壤不利于疮痂病的发生,而有利于马铃薯根系在土壤中纵深发展和对养分、水分的吸收。使植株生长繁茂,结薯多、块茎大,是高产优质的基础。⒉土壤必须具有旱时能灌水、涝时能排水的立地条件。如果结薯期间缺水,正在膨大的块茎就会停止生长,造成大幅度减产。以后再浇水或降雨,尽管会出现二次生长,但会形成畸 Cultivation technology, the election ⒈ potato hi soil layer deep, loose slightly acidic (pH = 6.5 or so) soil, this soil is not conducive to the occurrence of scab disease, but conducive to potato roots in the soil in depth development and nutrition, moisture Absorption. Lush plant growth, tuberous, tuber, is the basis of high yield and quality. ⒉ soil must have drought irrigation, waterlogging drainage site conditions. If there is a shortage of water during the tubers, the growing tubers will stop growing, resulting in a substantial yield reduction. Later watering or rainfall, although there will be secondary growth, but it will form abnormal
什么是调水调沙 所谓调水调沙,就是在充分考虑黄河下游河道输沙能力的前提下,利用水库的调节库容,对水沙进行有效的控制和调节,适时蓄存或泄放,调整天然水沙过程,使不适应的
对锡马潘拱坝水库岩体稳定性进行了分析并估算了滑坡方量 ,以判断岩体滑入水库而造成的后果。给出了估计滑坡方量为 14 6 0万m3 的不稳定区的分析结果。阐述了“稳定性不足法
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