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随着新课标的修订以及教学改革的不断深入,广大教师与专家学者逐渐认识到语文课程中的人文特性,而德育作为人文教育的最重要组成部分,已经是当前阶段语文教学中的关键内容。同时,在我国当前现行的小学语文教材中,人教版教材的应用范围较广,质量较高,同时其教材的选文具有一定的德育性。在本文当中,笔者分析了人教版小学语文教材选文的德育因素。 With the revision of the new curriculum standards and the deepening of the teaching reform, the majority of teachers and experts and scholars have come to recognize the humanistic characteristics in the Chinese curriculum. As the most important part of the humanities education, moral education is already the key content in the current Chinese teaching. At the same time, in the current primary school Chinese teaching materials in our country, the humanistic teaching materials have a wide range of applications and high quality. At the same time, their textbooks have some moral education. In this paper, I analyzed the moral education factors of the essay of the Chinese version of PEP.
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这艘飞船从科学家那里接到指示,要到土星上执行一项任务。快来帮它找到正确的航线吧! The spacecraft received instructions from scientists to perform a mission on Sat
1963年法国人 Meunier 等在动物实验中发现丙戊酸(valproic acid,VPA)对戊四氮引起的惊厥有对抗作用,次年 Carraz 等试用于临床治疗癫痫有效。它系广谱抗痫药,对失神性发作
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神经源性肺水肿4例报告任香兰,银春,陈福琼,戴琼英(四川省绵阳市第四人民医院神经内科,绵阳621000)中图号R563.3神经源性肺水肿(neurogenicpulmonaryedema,NPE)又称中枢性肺水肿,突然起病,病情重,进展快,死亡率高,... Neurogenic Pu
虽然 Jackson 氏早在1888年已生动地描写过自动症、梦样状态、幻听、幻视、幻嗅等属于目前所谓颞叶癫痫的症状,但是,对于颞叶癫痫的重砚和深入地研究只是近年来的事情 Gib-b