
来源 :党员干部之友 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jimmyzcc
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认真学习、深入贯彻江总书记“三个代表”重要思想,始终保持党员队伍的先进性,一个关键的问题是必须固守共产党员的标准。当前少数党员包括一些党员干部,在把握党员标准方面出现了一些模糊认识,需要密切关注,及时澄清。主要有: “初级阶段”标准。有人认为,我们现在正处于社会主义初级阶段,党员标准定得不宜过高,主张建立所谓“初级阶段”的党员标准。这是一种误解。我国目前处于社会主义初级阶段,这是由我国的基本国情特别是由生产力发展水平决定的。而共产党员标准是由党的工人阶级先锋队性质决定的。今天工人阶级队伍状况发生了变化,但工人阶级作为一个整体,在任何情况下都代表着先进生产力,这是我们党的阶级基 To seriously study and thoroughly implement General Secretary Jiang’s important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ and always maintain the advanced nature of the contingent of party members, a key issue is the need to stick to the standards of party members. At present, some minority party members, including some party members and cadres, have seen some vague understanding about the standards of party members and need to pay close attention and clarify in time. There are: “primary stage” standard. Some people think that we are now in the primary stage of socialism. Party members should not set the standard too high and we must advocate the establishment of so-called “primary stage” party memberships. This is a misunderstanding. My country is currently in the primary stage of socialism, which is determined by our country’s basic national conditions, especially by the level of development of the productive forces. The standard of communist membership is determined by the nature of the party’s vanguard of the working class. The situation of the working class ranks has changed today, but the working class as a whole represents in any case advanced productive forces, which is the basis of our party’s class base
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