杭钢 不求大只求强

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江泽民总书记6月下旬主持召开了华东七省市国有企业改革和发展座谈会。他要求东部地区继续加快改革和发展的步伐,努力率先实现国有大中型骨干企业初步建立现代企业制度,率先实现国有企业脱困的3年目标,率先实现经济结构的调整和产业的升级优化,为国民经济发展作出更大贡献。这是总书记今年以来第四次主持召开部分省市区国有企业改革和发展座谈会。而三个“率先”的提出,既是对华东经济发展走在全国之前的肯定,又为华东经济的进一步发展指明了方向。显然,进一步推进国有企业的改革和发展,已是目前保持整个国民经济健康发展的重中之重。企业是整个经济发展的细胞,国有企业的改革方向就是要建立适应生产力发展的现代企业制度,这不仅是一个关系国有企业改革和发展的大课题,也是一个关系整个经济体制改革成败和国民经济持续健康发展的大课题。而对于基础较好、发展较快的我省来说,就要抓住机遇,加快改革和发展的步伐坚决打好、打赢国企改革攻坚战。本刊为此特别刊发我省几家重点国企,在改革中求生存、求发展、求强大的文章,希望他们的成功实践和作法,能给正在努力攻坚的省内国企以借鉴,共同开创我省国企改革和发展新局面。 General Secretary Jiang Zemin presided over the forum for the reform and development of state-owned enterprises in the seven provinces and municipalities of East China in late June. He urged the eastern region to continue to accelerate the pace of reform and development and endeavor to take the lead in realizing the initial establishment of a modern enterprise system by large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises, taking the lead in realizing the three-year goal of state-owned enterprises to extricate themselves from difficulties, taking the lead in realizing the readjustment of the economic structure and the upgrading of industries, Make greater contribution to economic development. This is the fourth time since this year the General Secretary has presided over some seminars on state-owned enterprise reform and development in some provinces and cities. The proposition of the three leading cadres not only affirmed the fact that economic development in east China was going ahead of the rest of the country but also pointed out the direction for the further development of the economy in east China. Obviously, further promoting the reform and development of state-owned enterprises is now the top priority for maintaining the healthy development of the entire national economy. Enterprises are the cells of the entire economy. The reform direction of state-owned enterprises is to establish a modern enterprise system that meets the requirements of the development of productive forces. This is not only a major issue concerning the reform and development of state-owned enterprises, but also a major issue that affects the success or failure of the entire economic reform and the continuous development of the national economy Healthy development of the major issues. As for our province, which enjoys a good foundation and develops rapidly, we should seize the opportunity and speed up the pace of reform and development and firmly lay a solid foundation to win the tough battle of state-owned enterprise reform. Our magazine specially issued several key state-owned enterprises in our province for survival, development and strong articles in the reform. We hope that their successful practices and practices will draw lessons from the efforts made by the state-owned enterprises in the province that are trying hard to create a common ground. State-owned enterprises in our province reform and development of new situation.
本文对住宅排水工程中出现的问题及产生的原因进行了分析,提出了提高建筑排水工程的施工质量及保证其使用的安全可靠性和稳定性的措施,可供同行技术人员参考! This article
本文从理论上分析了三种常用的陀螺定向计算方法(舒勒平均值法、相关平差法和托马斯均值法)估值的偏差性质和大小,确定了最优的估值方法,并讨论了最佳观测方案。 In this paper,
烂栅栏致人命 某幼儿园老师组织幼儿排练节目,部分能力强的幼儿动作要领掌握得较快,老师让他们到一旁休息,以便全力辅导那些能力较弱的幼儿。不料,一场意想不到的悲剧发生了