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编者按:从1984年创业到今天,联想走出了一条具有自身特色的成功道路。由中科院投资的20万元资本变成了联想控股今天159亿元的资产,联想成了中国高科技领域中的排头兵。联想是如何从一个国有民营企业最终过渡到多种经济成份的国有制为主体的企业,是什么机制让联想充满勃勃生机?大多数中国的民营企业一是做不长,二是长不大,联想凭什么能在19年的时间跨度里保持高速发展并形成了规模?在高科技产业化的过程中,难点是技术成果转让的问题,联想是怎样形成产品规模的?怎样把技术转化成钱的?在和外企的竞争中,中国企业无论从资金、技术、管理、人才都属于劣势,联想是怎样扬长避短取得阶段胜利的?联想19年的经验教训有没有典型意义?联想是不是可以复制?本篇是柳传志“缔造联想”的实话实说。不是“私密独白”,也不是“莲花宝典”,只是一个创业者、改革家的一腔激情,一种勇于探索、不怕失败的真情倾吐。全文分为两大部分。前面较短的篇幅讲联想创业之初和发展之中的“大环境”——“淮桔成枳”留下的思考。后面较长的篇幅讲联想的管理基础——柳氏杰作“管理房图”解析。通篇讲话没有“学院派”的咬文嚼字,也没有“象牙塔”的故弄玄虚,更没有“暴发户”的豪言壮语。真理是朴素的,柳总也是朴素的。为阅读方便,编者添加了提示性的小标题。 Editor's note: From 1984 to today, Lenovo has come out with a successful path of its own. The 200,000 yuan capital invested by the Chinese Academy of Sciences has become the 15.9 billion yuan assets of Lenovo Holdings today, and Lenovo has become the vanguard in China's high-tech field. Lenovo is how to eventually transition from a state-owned private enterprises to a variety of economic sectors of state-owned enterprises, is what mechanism to make Lenovo full of vitality? Most of China's private enterprises, one is not doing long, and second is not growing, How can Lenovo keep its rapid development and scale in the span of 19 years? In the process of high-tech industrialization, the difficulty is the transfer of technical achievements, how Lenovo forms the scale of products, and how to transform the technology into money In the competition with foreign companies, Chinese enterprises in terms of capital, technology, management, talent are all disadvantages, Lenovo is how to avoid weaknesses to obtain the victory of the stage? Lenovo 19 years of lessons have no typical significance? Lenovo is not to copy? This article is to tell the truth of Liu Chuanzhi's association. Not “private soliloquy”, nor “Lotus Collection”, but a pioneer, a reformer's passion, a courage to explore, not afraid of defeat, pour out the truth. The full text is divided into two parts. Speaking in front of a shorter length of the beginning of the association and development of the “big environment” - “Huai orange into trifoliate orange” left behind thinking. Speaking after a long space to talk about the management of Lenovo - Liu masterpiece “management room map” analysis. Throughout the speech there was no “academic” bite, no “ivory tower” trickery, but no “upstart” rhetoric. The truth is simple, and General Liu is also simple. For easy reading, editors add prompt subheadings.
在初中物理大气压强一章中,经常做一个实验:把装满水的杯子盖上硬纸片,倒置过来,纸片不落下来,水不会流出来,以此证明大气压强的存在。我们做实验时老师会强调试验过 In th
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前不久,爷爷重病在床,奶奶每天在家和医院之间来回跑十多次。因为过于劳累,奶奶患上了流感,天天去小诊所挂吊瓶。爸爸提出要替奶奶送饭,可奶奶就是不肯。 Not long ago, my