
来源 :电力机车技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ming9981
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本文概述了轮机间相互作用及其变化的复杂性。正如在通用汽车公司,电气动力部的伊利诺斯州技术研究所。用1:45的轮轨模拟设备进行的试验中所及应的那样。指出了正确求解接触面积和应力的一些传统方法及其对美国铁路情况的应用性。首先简单地介绍有关车辆动力学的一些成就,然后指出了改善蠕滑关系的必要性。应用赫芝理论计算了美国货车车辆的弹性接触应力并作成了诺模图。可见接触应力大大高于屈吸应力。接着还简单地介绍了通用汽车公司电气动力部的伊利诺斯州技术研究所的轮轨模拟设备以及在该设备上进行的有关塑流和磨耗的研究。在实验室里对不同规格贷车车辆接触面积的增长进行了模拟并与该设备加速试验时的某些测量值进行了比较。指出了与赫芝接触面积之差别。文章介绍了为模拟纵向和横向蠕滑,在实验室里,用赫芝和几何模拟对132 RE 钢轨和美国铁路协会标准轮缘进行的摩擦蠕滑试验。给出了对新轮缘表面与磨耗并硬化、粗糙的轮缘表面进行试验所得的结果。试验表明,横向蠕滑力常常比予想的要大得多,以及横向蠕滑机理在性质上也与纵向蠕滑不同。并指出今后在这方面还需作更多的工作。 This article outlines the complexity of the interaction between turbines and their changes. As at the General Motors Corporation, the Illinois Department of Electrical Technology’s Department of Electrical Technology. As it should be with the 1:45 wheel / rail simulator. Some traditional methods of correctly solving the contact area and stress are pointed out and their applicability to the U.S. railway situation. First, we briefly introduce some achievements on vehicle dynamics, and then point out the necessity of improving the creep relationship. The Hertz theory is used to calculate the elastic contact stress of American trucks and make a nomogram. Visible contact stress is much higher than the bending stress. It also briefly describes the wheel-rail simulation facility at the Illinois Institute of Technology at the General Electric Company’s Electric Power Department and research on plastic flow and wear on the facility. In the laboratory, the growth of the contact area of ​​vehicles with different specifications was simulated and compared with some measured values ​​during the accelerated test of the equipment. Pointed out the difference between the contact area with Hechi. The article describes the frictional creep test of 132 RE rails and the American National Railway Association standard rims using a Hertz and geometric simulation to simulate longitudinal and lateral creep in the laboratory. The results of testing the new rim surfaces with wear and hardened, rough rim surfaces are given. Experiments have shown that transverse creep forces are often much larger than expected, and transverse creep mechanisms are also qualitatively different from longitudinal creep. And pointed out that more needs to be done in this area in the future.
轨道超高测量是我国轨道检测中的一个基本项目。由于列车运行中车辆的晃动和曲线上离心加速度的影响,以往我国还未有专门的、可靠的超高测量装置。 我国新研究成功的轨道超高
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