A large carbon pool in lake sediments over the arid/semiarid region, NW China

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eric_nj
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Carbon burial in lake sediments is an important component of the global carbon cycle. However, little is known about the magnitude of carbon sequestered in lake sediments over the arid/semiarid region of China(ASAC).In this study, we estimate both organic and inorganic carbon burial since *AD 1800 based on nine lakes in ASAC,and discuss the most plausible factors controlling carbon burial. Our estimates show that the annual organic carbon burial rate(OCBR) ranges from 5.3 to 129.8 g cm-2year-1(weighted mean of 49.9 g cm-2year-1), leading to a standing stock of 1.1–24.0 kg cm-2(weighted mean of 8.6 kg cm-2)and a regional sum of *108 Tg organic carbon sequestered since *AD 1800. The annual inorganic carbon burial rate(ICBR) ranges from 11.4 to 124.0 g cm-2year-1(weighted mean of 48.3 g cm-2year-1), which is slightly lower than OCBR. The inorganic carbon standing stock ranges from2.4 to 26.0 kg cm-2(weighted mean of 8.1 kg cm-2),resulting in a sum of *101 Tg regional inorganic carbon burial since *AD 1800, which is slightly lower than the organic carbon sequestration. OCBR in ASAC shows a continuously increasing trend since *AD 1950, which is possibly due to the high autochthonous and allochthonous primary production and subsequently high sedimentation rate in the lakes. This increasing carbon burial is possibly related to both climatic changes and enhanced anthropogenic activities, such as land use change, deforestation, and eutrophication in the lake. Furthermore, OCBR and ICBR are expected to continuously increase under the scenario of increasing precipitation and runoff and enhanced anthropogenic activities.The results of this research show that the buried carbon in lake sediments of the ASAC region constitutes a significant and large carbon pool, which should be considered and integrated into the global carbon cycle. However, little is known about the magnitude of carbon sequestered in lake sediments over the arid / semiarid region of China (ASAC) .In this study, we estimate both organic and inorganic carbon burial since * AD 1800 based on nine lakes in ASAC, and discuss the most plausible elements controlling carbon burial. Our estimates show that the annual organic carbon burial rate (OCBR) ranges from 5.3 to 129.8 g cm-2year-1 mean of 49.9 g cm-2year-1), leading to a standing stock of 1.1-24.0 kg cm-2 (weighted mean of 8.6 kg cm-2) and a regional sum of * 108 Tg organic carbon sequestered since * AD 1800. The carbon monoxide burial rate (ICBR) ranges from 11.4 to 124.0 g cm-2year-1 (weighted mean of 48.3 g cm-2year-1), which is slightly lower than OCBR. 26.0 kg cm-2 (weighted mean of 8.1 kg cm-2) resulting in a sum of * 101 Tg regional inorganic carbon bu rial since * AD 1800, which is slightly lower than the organic carbon sequestration. OCBR in ASAC shows a continuously increasing trend since * AD 1950, which is possibly due to the high autochthonous and allochthonous primary production and subsequently high sedimentation rate in the lakes. This increasing carbon burial is possibly related to both climatic changes and enhanced anthropogenic activities, such as land use change, deforestation, and eutrophication in the lake. Furthermore, OCBR and ICBR are expected to continuously increase under the scenario of increasing precipitation and runoff and enhanced anthropogenic activities. the results of this research show that the buried carbon in lake sediments of the ASAC region constitutes a significant and large carbon pool, which should be considered and integrated into the global carbon cycle.
总有人说,孩子都是债。我倒觉得,女儿是爸爸前世的情人,儿子是妈妈今生的念想,因为有了儿子,我的人生才会在缺憾中淡定而安然。 ——李勤勤    从《笑傲江湖》里的恒山派掌门,到《京华烟云》里的牛太太,再到《大宅门》里“这事不赖我”的白家二媳妇、《我的丑娘》里的梅大姐,在当了20多年的“金牌绿叶”后,李勤勤以精湛的表演在娱乐圈找准了自己的位置。2011年10月,电视剧《当婆婆遇到妈
炎热的夜晚,往往正是蚊虫肆虐的时候。蚊虫叮咬,一方面会严重干扰人的睡眠,让人难以入睡,另一方面还会传播疾病,给人的健康带来不良影响。很多人怕蚊虫叮咬,便依靠整夜点蚊香来驱赶蚊虫,以获得一个安稳觉。整夜点蚊香,虽然在驱蚊方面有着较好的效果,然而,医学专家却提醒,整夜点蚊香睡觉,会给人的健康带来较大的损害。  蚊香的主要成分是具有杀虫作用的药剂,其中含有苯、苯酚和二甲苯等物质,这些物质都有一定毒性。 
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