Expression of interferon inducible protein-10 in pancreas of mice

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangxueying0518
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AIM: To investigate the expression of interferon inducible protein-10 (IP-10) in pancreas of mice and to discuss its possible role in the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes. METHODS: Non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice were used as experiment group and BALB/c mice as non-diabetic prone model. Immunohistochemistry method was used to evaluate the expression of IP-10 in the pancreas of NOD mice and BALB/c mice. Immunoelectron microscope was used to show the location of IP-10 in pancreatic islet (3 cells. RESULTS: Pancreatic islets were positively stained in all the NOD mice. Insulitis could be found in mice at the age of 4 wk. The weakly positive results were found in control group with no insulitis. Immunoelectron microscopy further demonstrated that IP-10 was produced by pancreatic (3 cells and stored in cytoplasm of the cells. CONCLUSION: IP-10 can be largely produced in pancreatic islets of NOD mice at the age of 2 wk when there is no significant insulitis, and may play an important part in the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes by attracting immune cells to infiltrate the pancreatic islets. A: To investigate the expression of interferon inducible protein-10 (IP-10) in pancreas of mice and to discuss its possible role in the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes. METHODS: Non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice were used as experiment group Immunohistochemistry was used to evaluate the expression of IP-10 in the pancreas of NOD mice and BALB / c mice. Immunoelectron microscopy was used to show the location of IP-10 in pancreatic Insulitis could be found in mice at the age of 4 weeks. The weakly positive results were found in control group with no insulitis. Immunoelectron microscopy further demonstrated that IP -10 was produced by pancreatic (3 cells and stored in cytoplasm of the cells. CONCLUSION: IP-10 can be largely produced in pancreatic islets of NOD mice at the age of 2 wk when there is no significant insulitis, and may play an important part in th e pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes by attracting immune cells to infiltrate the pancreatic islets.
SARS是一种新型的带有全球性冲击的传染性疾病。目前认为一种来自冠状病毒科 (Coronaviridae)的病毒是其元凶 ,但其发病机理仍不甚明了。本病的临床特征为发热、呼吸困难、淋
例1 男,16岁。因全身发疹伴高热3d入院。发疹前13d曾行白内障手术,术后静脉滴注地塞米松3d后改泼尼松口服,至发疹前1d停药(剂量不详)。体检:体温40.0℃,嗜睡与烦躁交替出现。心率120次,奔马律,双肺闻及湿?