来源 :China Ocean Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xukuikui
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Characteristics of the natural wave cannot be successfully described by only using wave frequency spectra. In laboratory, natural wave conditions cannot be simulated exactly by harbour sheltering experiment with irregular long-crested waves, especially the results of diffraction tests with reflection source are often far away from the reality. So directional wave spectrum must be introduced to experiment on wave diffraction, except for one directional swell.At present, only a small number of laboratories in the world have possessed directional spectrum wave producer because of its complication and expension. This paper describes the experiment for multi-directional wave superposition of wave diffraction, with the conventional regular wave producer and one-direction irregular wave producer. The test results are of equal value with that from directional spectra wave. This method is suitable for rational design of harbour engineering projects and can be adopted in future practice. Characteristics of the natural wave can not be successfully described by only using wave frequency spectra. In laboratory, natural wave conditions can not be simulating by harbor long wave, especially the results of diffraction tests with reflection source are often far away from the reality. So directional wave spectrum must be introduced to experiment on wave diffraction, except for one directional swell. At present, only a small number of laboratories in the world have possessed directional spectrum wave producer because of its complication and expension. This paper describes the experiment for multi-directional wave superposition of wave diffraction, with the conventional regular wave producer and one-direction irregular wave producer. The test results are of equal value with that from directional spectra wave. This method is suitable for rational design of harbor engineering projects and can be adopted in future practice.
Eight experimental ecosystem enclosures were employed to test the ecological effects of pollutants on marine zooplankton. The results indicated that in the bag
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A new method for inversion of gravity field using the technique of inverse filtering is presented in this paper to calculate the structure of crust.After inver
,而口名和q白少l丹乙︺.吞‘胜玉‘.儿批准一弓4870268487026948了02了O申请者蒋德才一牡心铭陈宗锗山东海洋学院山东海洋学院山东海洋学院 名称起止年1 98801eel9891 9881 988
面对新教材,首先思想观念要转变,有了新的观念才能接受新事物。才能避免“穿新鞋,走老路”,学习语言离不开创造性思维,教学语言离不开反思研究。我们只有不断反思,才能有所创新。几年来,我总结了如下几点体会。  面对新教材,首先思想观念要转变,有了新的观念才能接受新事物。才能避免“穿新鞋,走老路”;新课程的实施不能简单地被视为换一个大纲、换一套教材、调整一些课程内容。在语言环境的欠缺中不仅要崇尚“苦读”、