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2000年11月,中央纪委协调最高人民法院、最高人民检察院,将马向东等案指定江苏管辖。江苏省委、省政府高度重视,成立了由原省委副书记、省纪委书记曹克明任组长,省纪委、省委政法委和省公、检、法主要领导参加的专案领导小组,先后从全省执纪执法机关抽调430多名人员参加办案工作。全体办案人员以强烈的政治责任感和对党对人民高度负责的精神,克服重重困难,夜以继日,忘我工作。经过1年多时间的艰苦努力,先后突破了原沈阳市委常委、常务副市长马向东及沈阳市建委原主任宁先杰、市财政局原局长李经芳、市检察院原检察长刘实、市政府原副秘书长翟利、泰明、迟若岩等22人贪污、受贿、挪用公款、行贿等重大经济犯罪案件,马向东、宁先杰、迟若岩、李经芳、刘实等人分别被依法判处死刑、无期徒刑和有期徒刑,并为国家挽回经济损失8000多万元,圆满地完成了中央领导机关交办的任务。2002年2月1日参加江苏查办沈阳反腐大案的166名先进个人和3个先进集体获得记功嘉奖。大案跨省异地管辖,这在新中国建立以来还是首次。 In November 2000, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection coordinated the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, and designated Jiangsu Province under the Ma Xiangdong case. Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government attach great importance to establishing a special leading group headed by Cao Keming, former deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. The leading group of the special committees led by the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, From the law enforcement agencies throughout the province deployed more than 430 officers to participate in case work. All the investigators have overcome their difficulties with a strong sense of political responsibility and a high sense of responsibility toward the party and the people and worked day and night and selflessly. After more than a year’s hard work, it successively broke through the former Shenyang Municipal Committee and Deputy Mayor Ma Xiangdong, and the former director of Shenyang City Construction Committee Ning Xianjie, Li Jingfang, former director of the Municipal Finance Bureau, former Attorney General Liu Shi, Ma Xiangdong, Ning Xianjie, Chi Ruoyan, Li Jingfang and Liu Shi, respectively, were sentenced to death in accordance with the law in case of major economic crimes such as corruption, bribery, embezzlement of public funds and bribery by 22 deputy secretaries-general, including Zhai Li, Life imprisonment and fixed-term imprisonment, and saved over 80 million yuan of economic losses for the country and satisfactorily completed the task entrusted by the central leading authority. On February 1, 2002, 166 advanced individuals and 3 advanced collectives who participated in the major anti-corruption campaign in Shenyang in Jiangsu Province received the Commendation Award. Large-scale inter-provincial jurisdiction over the province, which is the first time since the founding of new China.
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