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在树桩盆景的制作中,总会遇到不理想不协调的枝干,这些枝干的生长部位和生长形式各有不同,但都会直接影响桩景的整体构图,破坏桩景的美观形象。因此,制作中应尽量避免这些枝干的存在。这些枝干可统称为桩景制作中的违忌枝(也可称为忌用枝)。笔者特以墨图示意,供初学者参考。图1,直立枝:是指枝干的中轴线与盆面垂直,沿中轴线向上生长的枝干。直立枝特别能吸引人们的视线,看上去十分“刺眼”,枝形生硬死板,会直接破坏桩景的形象。在制作中,不管直立枝处于桩体的哪个部位,都不能保留,应从基部切除。 In the production of stump bonsai, there are always unpleasant and uncoordinated branches. The growth parts and growth forms of these branches vary. However, they all directly affect the overall composition of the stakes and destroy the beautiful appearance of the stakes. Therefore, the production should try to avoid the existence of these branches. These branches may be collectively referred to as the taboo production of the taboo (also known as bogey). Special author to ink diagram for beginners for reference. Figure 1, upright branches: refers to the stem of the central axis of the vertical axis, along the axis of the upward growth of the branches. Stand upright especially to attract people’s attention, looks very “dazzling” rigid branches rigid, will directly undermine the image of the piles. In the production, regardless of where the vertical branches in the pile, can not be retained, should be removed from the base.
目的 为突发性耳聋患者提供健康教育加心理护理干预的临床效果进行研究.方法 将来我院就诊的突发性耳聋患者作为本次研究的对象,本次研究的起始时间为2018年3月,截止时间为20
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