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正当举国上下欢庆新中国50华诞之际,为了认真总结50年来我国林业改革与发展的历程、成就、基本经验、存在的不足和教训,为发展下个世纪中国林业发展战略和政策措施提供参考,1999年10月12-13日,中国林业经济学会在北京召开了“新中国五十年林业改革与发展”座谈会,参加会议的有部分省(市)林业厅(局)原厅(局)长、林业部部分司局原司局长和一些知名林业经济专家。原林业部老部长,全国人大农业委员会主任高德占,国家林业局局长王志宝、副局长李育才和党组成员杨继平同志会前看望了参加会议的老厅(局)长并进行了座谈。王志宝局长还就当前林业面临的形势任务和工作思路在大会上发表了重要讲话。与会同志就建国50年来林业改革与发展的成就、问题、教训等进行了广泛的研讨,并对未来林业发展提出了许多建议。现就会议情况综述如下。 At a time when the whole nation celebrates the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, in order to conscientiously summaries the course, achievements, basic experiences, existing shortcomings and lessons of China’s forestry reform and development over the past 50 years, it provides reference for the development of China’s forestry development strategies and policies and measures in the next century From October 12 to 13, 1999, China Forestry Economics Society held a forum on “Fifty Years of Forestry Reform and Development in New China” in Beijing. Some of the provinces (municipalities) and Forestry Bureau (Bureau) ) Long, the Secretary for the original Secretary of the Ministry of Forestry and some well-known forestry economics experts. Gao Dezhan, former minister of the Ministry of Forestry and director of the Agriculture Committee of the National People’s Congress, Wang Zhibao, director of the State Forestry Administration, Li Yucai, deputy director of the Party, and Comrade Yang Jiping, member of the party group, paid a visit to the meeting and held a discussion. Secretary Wang Zhibao also delivered an important speech at the meeting on the current situation and tasks and work plans facing the forestry sector. The participating comrades conducted extensive discussions on achievements, problems and lessons learned in forestry reform and development over the past 50 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China and made many suggestions on future forestry development. The meeting is summarized below.
《中国地产市场》:万科打折带来的这股楼市“降价风”会对房地产业带来什么影响?慕凤丽:相信这是万科公司对于目前中国地产形势做了认真分析后的顺势而为。打折促销、 “Chi
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[题注]当一位叙述者、歌手,或者乐手开始表演,他不仅是在说出词语,唱出唱词,或是 演奏乐曲。表演行为本身就在告诉听众,他是“如何”在诠释词语、唱词或者乐曲。他在以某些 特定的方
江西省赣县2008年计划投入2亿元实施60项公共财政政策。图为60项公共财政政策之一一该县第二批廉租房、经济适用房开工建设。该项目由县财政投入1040万元,建筑面积近 Jiang