Analysis of Six sigma and Business Process Reengineering

来源 :大经贸·创业圈 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cutuf
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  Abstract:Business Process Improvement has different approaches or techniques,each having its advantages and disadvantages.No single technique is suitable for all business situations;it depends on the context.There is no best practice due to constant change.Though there are many BPI techniques to choose from,this paper analyzed Six Sigma and BPR.These have a long track record of success in many industries,from manufacturing to financial services,and have been utilized for well over 20 years.
  Keywords:Business Process Improvement;Six sigma;Process Reengineering
  Six sigma Overview
  Six Sigma is a technique originating from manufacturing in the 1980s.For over 25 years,it has been significant for thousands of companies.In simple terms, Six Sigma is defined as a management method that provides customers with some product or service using the minimum amount of resources in the shortest time,all with the goal of creating and delivering more value to the customer.The primary focus of Six Sigma is to raise efficiency and reduce waste,and thus meet customer needs.
  There are three main reasons Six Sigma is useful in industries like insurance.Firstly,Six Sigma can help improve customer satisfaction.The homogeneity of the insurance products calls for new product development methods such as Design For Six Sigma.Secondly,it aims to reduce operation costs caused by HR,complexity of processes,and barriers between departments.Lastly,because risk management and control is key in insurance,the reduction of process variability is critical.
  Business Process Reengineering overview
  BPR,refers to creating radically new structures and processes of working in order to reduce costs and achieve strategic goals.Reengineering is based on the concept of discontinuous thinking.It refers to recognizing and parting from archaic rules and assumptions so that meaningful progress can be attained.When done correctly,BPR can result in significant performance enhancements that enable organizations to deliver greater value to their customers and create greater profits for shareholders.
  Re-engineering implementation includes initial effort,adoption and institutionalization of the changed approaches.Firstly,the organization should align the BPR goal with the company’s vision,identify the re-engineering opportunities,IT enablers.Secondly,they must garner support of the senior management team,making direct communication between top management and operating employees to overcome blockers.Finally,institutionalizing new business processes as literature sources,will continue improvement.   Evaluation and Comparison
  BPR needs a clear vision for organization wide improvement of critical,cross-functional processes.It can only work with a top-down approach,with a set radical goal.For dramatic change,the ultimate goal must be clear.Technology must be creatively applied to question all assumptions and constraints.BPR empowers individuals with access to more information.They make more decisions with support of expert systems.The result is a process built around outcomes not tasks,with radically simplified work flows that minimize non-value adding steps to produce better customer and business outcomes.Six Sigma on the other hand is a deliberate,data driven technique,that relies heavily on statistical methods to achieve reductions in variability.It directly affects some strategic goals of the business and requirements of the customers.Unlike BPR,Six Sigma uses a well defined framework like DMAIC and has incredible precedent for continuously improvements.
  BPR is for organizations that are clearly off in comparison to industry benchmarks or who have not changed their established ways for a long period.Six sigma is a longer term,perhaps slower strategy,for measured improvements over time.Six sigma projects will take longer to get significant organization-wide returns,but over the create aggregate process improvement across many different areas of the business.
  BPR can only be done top-down.Six sigma can be top-down,middle-down,bottom-up.Though,drastic change projects require top-down support and buy in for either technique.With Six Sigma,bottom or mid-level managers can create support and build evidence within organizations,allowing for a gradual change in culture and acceptance of process improvement.There are auxiliary benefits to consider for picking a more stable and slower technique that sets up the organization for long-term achievement of strategic business objectives and customer satisfaction.
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【摘 要】 认知行为理论是行为主义和认知理论的融合与发展。本文梳理了认知行为理论的理论观点,结合一位有社交障碍的大学生进行分析和介入。通过开展15周共18次活动,试图引导该学生发掘错误认知、改变错误认知,缓解社交障碍的状态,获得改变和成长。并对该治疗模式進行反思。  【关键词】 非理性信念 行动 个案工作  一、理论基础  1.行为主义。行为主义是在巴甫洛夫的条件反射学说的基础上创立。行为主义认为
【摘 要】 第三方实验室作为检测产品的公共服务检测结构,出具的产品检测报告质量如何,对市场经济健康发展影响很大。面对经济加快发展的新形势,第三方实验室发展迅速,而政府监管不到位等问题,制约了第三方实验室健康有序发展。因此研究政府如何有效监管第三方实验室显得非常必要。本文以苏州市为例进行了研究。分析了苏州市政府监管第三方实验室现状,探讨存在的问题。提出了推进苏州市政府加强监管第三方实验室的对策建议。
【摘 要】 思想政治工作是财源建设的思想政治保证。要用思想政治教育保证财源建设的发展方向、价值取向、责任担当、发展质量。  【关键词】 思想政治教育 财源建设 辩证关系 作用  方法  一、要用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想指导园区财源建设。用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想指导财源建设,要做到五个坚持。一是要坚持以人民为中心的财源建设理念。为人民谋利益,为人民谋幸福,是包括财源建设在内的一切工
【摘 要】 黄铁矿是金矿中最常见的金属矿物,它不仅与金的矿化有着密切联系,其还作为标型矿物是寻找金矿床的重要标志之一。黄铁矿在晶体形态、化学成分、物理性质等方面存在显著差异。通过对黄铁矿的这些标型特征的研究,可反映金矿床的不同成因,也是预测成矿远景地段、指导深部找矿的有效方法之一。黄铁矿是绝大多数热液矿床中都出现的矿物,其形态特征能够给出矿床成因和成矿远景方面的重要信息。文章对黄铁矿的形态标型特征
【摘 要】 马克斯·韦伯的著作《新教伦理与资本主义精神》被认为是现代市场经济伦理道德的奠基之作。随着经济全球化的发展,曾经作为资本主义精神生成和发动的新教精神,如今却成为人类文明冲突最灾难深重的一个领域。企业伦理管理时代已到来,但是通向伦理管理的道路注定是艰辛曲折的。本文由马克斯·韦伯的观点引出的对市场经济与伦理规则的思考,从“中国特色”进行分析对企业伦理管理现状所面临的困境进行梳理并提出解决对策
一、引言  马克思主义社会科学方法论强调社会系统的研究方法,系统方法是社会科学研究所应遵循的方法论原则。本文将通过运用社会系统研究方法,对我国生态文明建设取得的成就进行梳理、总结。并以山东省为例,基于其在建设生态文明方面取得的成果,归纳社会系统研究方法对于生态文明建设的指导作用,并提出基于该方法下生态文明建设的相关政策性建议。  二、系统方法与生态文明建设  1、系统与系统方法。系统强调整体与部分
【摘 要】 “寡头统治铁律”的分析原理是:由于组织的存在,当选者获得了对于选民、被委托者对于委托者、代表对于被代表者的统治地位。寡头统治是任何试图实现集体行动的组织的必然结果,是任何有着良好愿望的人们无法改变的“铁律”,即使是强烈信奉社会民主原则的社会主义政党也难逃走向寡头政治的命运。  【关键词】 精英主义观 寡头政治 领袖专断  罗伯特.米歇尔斯(1876—1936),德裔意大利籍著名政治社会
肠道是机体的消化器官, 同时还具有内分泌、免疫等功能, 是机体非特异性抗感染的第一道防线。另一方面, 肠道又是机体最大的细菌和内毒素贮库, 为一隐匿性感染源。在消化、吸收各种营养物质的同时, 肠道又能将细菌及其代谢产物抑制于肠道内, 肠道防御屏障, 简 称 肠 道 屏 障 ( gut barrier) 在此过程中起有非常重要的作用  肠道屏障由肠上皮细胞层、黏液层、肠道正常菌群、肠道免疫系统、肠-
我一直都很喜欢反乌托邦的作品,因为它们可以向我们展示指向灾难的路标,提醒我们人类的韧性,帮助我们思考社会和政治变革的后果。——题记  作为一个反乌托邦的未来小说,玛格丽特·阿特伍德在《使女的故事》中描述了一个在严重辐射污染、资源匮乏、人口出生率极低背景下的国家—基列国。 在这样一个阶层分明、服装统一、井然有序、人人自律的国家,一个缄默低语、慎言慎行,对《圣经》顶礼膜拜的社会言必提上帝的社会,一个由