
来源 :西北第二民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rserrrrr
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伟大的革命先行者孙中山先生领导的辛亥革命,是在中国资本主义已经产生多年并得到了初步发展的基础上爆发的。1905年,革命党人在日本东京成立了中国第一个全国规模的资产阶级革命政党,即中国同盟会。同盟会作为有组织、有纲领的崭新的革命政党出现,在中国资产阶级民主革命进程中是件大事。它成立不到一年,组织获得飞速的发展“加盟者逾万人”,“从此革命风潮一日千丈”。在它的领导下,组织、发动新军、会党和农民中的反清力量,进行了一系列的反清斗争,而1911年的武昌起义就是屡次起义的总爆发。武昌起义后,各省纷纷响应并和席卷全国的群众自发斗争汇成资产阶级民主革命的巨大洪流,在这个洪流中反动的清王朝立即土崩瓦解了,清工朝的瓦解,中华民国的建立,结束了长达二千余年的封建专制制度,这是空前革命的壮举,是辛亥革命的辉煌胜利。它使中国社会开始摆脱中世纪落后的愚昧无知状态,在很大程度上提高了人民群众的民主觉悟,推动了民主精神的高涨,并使古老的中国向近代化的进程迈进。 The 1911 Revolution led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, a great revolutionary forerunner, broke out on the foundation that China’s capitalism has been producing for many years and has been initially developed. In 1905, the revolutionaries established the first national-scale bourgeois revolutionary party in China in Tokyo, Japan, the Allied Association of China. The emergence of the alliance as a brand new revolutionary party organized and with a program is a major event in the process of the bourgeois democratic revolution in China. It was established less than a year, the organization received rapid development of “more than 10,000 people joined”, “from the revolutionary wave of a day.” Under its leadership, the anti-Qing forces in organizing and mobilizing the New Army, the Socialist Party and peasants carried out a series of anti-Qing struggles, and the Wuchang uprising in 1911 was the total outbreak of repeated intifada. After the Wuchang uprising, the provinces responded to and merged with the spontaneous struggle of the masses sweeping across the country into a huge torrent of bourgeois democratic revolution. The reactionary Qing Dynasty in the torrent immediately collapsed, the collapse of Qing workers and the DPRK, and the establishment of the Republic of China ended. The 2,000-year feudal autocratic system was an unprecedented feat of revolution and a brilliant victory of the 1911 Revolution. It has enabled Chinese society to start emerging from the backward ignorance and ignorance of the Middle Ages, greatly raised the masses’ democratic consciousness, promoted the rise of democracy, and advanced the ancient China toward the process of modernization.