
来源 :中国医院药学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:h872889544
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在当前经济改革进一步深化的大好形势下,医院药学管理发展到相当水平。用先进的技术、科学的手段管理医院药学在全国许多大中医院已取得显著的成绩。为了及时总结交流医院药学管理的先进经验,促进医院药学事业的发展,本刊于1993年5月28日~6月2日在武汉珞珈山宾馆召开了全国医院药学管理学术研讨会,到会代表302人,交流论文300篇,会议取得园满成功。为了向全国各级医院药剂科介绍与会代表的经验,本刊将编撰“全国医院药学管理学术研讨会”专辑。除此而外,部分大会交流的论文,将以摘要的形式在本刊药政管理专栏中于1993年第8、9、10期陆续发表 Under the favorable situation of deepening the current economic reform, the pharmacy administration in the hospital has developed to a considerable level. With advanced technology and scientific management of hospital pharmacy in many large hospitals have made remarkable achievements. In order to timely summarize the advanced experience of exchange hospital pharmacy management and promote the development of hospital pharmacy, this magazine held a national hospital pharmacy management academic seminar at Luojia Shan Hotel in Wuhan from May 28 to June 2, 1993, Representing 302 people, exchanging papers 300, the meeting made the garden full of success. In order to introduce the experiences of participating delegates to the hospital pharmacy department at all levels in our country, we will compile the album titled “National Hospital Pharmacy Management Symposium”. In addition, some of the papers exchanged by the General Assembly will be published in the abstract in the column of Pharmacy Administration in 1993,8,8,10
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指导思想、原则和主要内容为了提高税收征管质量和效率 ,有针对性地辅导和督促不同层次的纳税人正确履行纳税义务 ,使有限的税务管理人力资源发挥出最大的税收征管及监控效能