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近年来,体育产业依靠自身特有的娱乐与服务功能,正逐渐从以往单纯的文化活动发展成为独立的文化产业,体育产业也一跃成为新的经济增长点,随着我国竞技体育所带来的成就、消费结构的升级、体育基础设施的不断完善均为体育产业的发展提供了广阔的发展空间,在我国实现由体育大国向体育强国过渡的目标时,我国体育产业的发展的基本条件已基本成熟,因此,必须采取相应的措施大力支持体育事业的发展。 In recent years, depending on its own unique entertainment and service functions, the sports industry is gradually becoming an independent cultural industry from purely cultural activities in the past. The sports industry has also become a new economic growth point. With the competitive sports brought by our country Achievements, the upgrading of the consumption structure and the constant improvement of the sports infrastructure all provide a vast space for development of the sports industry. The basic conditions for the development of the sports industry in our country have been basically achieved when our country is moving from a major sports nation to a sports power. Therefore, we must take corresponding measures to support the development of sports.
It is not uncommon to observe shear fractures in ductile rocks oriented at more than 45° with respect to the maximum compression direction. Since these orienta
Mg-6Li and Mg-6Li-1Y (wt.%) alloys were prepared using permanent model casting method, and microstructure and mechanical properties were investigated by means o
如何提高数学课堂教学的有效性呢?笔者试着从自身教学实践谈几点粗浅认识。  一、内容选择——让数学贴近学生的实际生活  案例1:百分数的意义导入  师:同学们,昨天体育课我们班举行了投篮比赛,从赛场得到部分信息是(其中投篮次数等到学生讨论后呈现):  师:三位选手中,谁是冠军呢?  生1:三号选手是冠军,因为他投中的最多。  生2:我觉得没有办法选择,因为我们不知道他们投了多少次?必须知道投的次数。
两次破格晋升,他曾经是北京师范大学最年轻的文科教授;痴迷“冷门”学科,他谢绝了“同乡+同学”去搞金融的邀请;关注残疾人事业,他被残联副理事长程凯誉为中国残疾人就业研究的“NO.1”……他就是北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院院长、教育部长江学者特聘教授赖德胜。  搞学术:  专研“冷门”弃金融  用现在的话说,赖德胜可谓名副其实的学霸。1984年,在江西赣州安远偏僻农村长大的他,以县状元的身份考入北京
为预防和治疗药物性耳聋,我们采取中西医结合的办法,于1994~1996年对111例由药物引起的耳聋进行治疗观察,现报告如下。 For the prevention and treatment of drug-induced