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1999年元月10日,全国电视直销联营网在北京成立,标志着中国电视直销经过行业自律已进入成熟发展阶段。由中央电视台中视电视购物公司牵头并为之服务的联营网,由160多家电视台开办的专业电视直销公司组成,均匀地分布在全国各省会城市和地市级城市,他们拥有自己的频道、专卖店、商场专卖柜近5000多处,每天的广告播出时间约1200小时(即72000分钟),各城市电视台、有线台是它们的坚强后盾。这个联营网的成立和运行,为中国营销界构架了可能是惟一的“空地一体”营销网,为商品销售架设了又一条通道。本人有幸参与了联营网的策划和组织,并专业从事电视直销业务管理工作,在此愿从专业人士的角度向大家介绍一些电视直销的情况,以助大家对此有个客观的认识。 On January 10, 1999, the National Television Direct Marketing Affiliate Network was established in Beijing, marking that China TV Direct Marketing has entered a mature stage of development after industry self-discipline. The Affiliate Network led by CCTV Television Television Shopping Company and served by more than 160 television stations is composed of professional television direct sales companies and is evenly distributed in provincial capital cities and prefecture-level cities across the country. They have their own channels and monopoly. There are nearly 5,000 shops and shopping malls selling special counters. The daily broadcast time is about 1200 hours (72,000 minutes). Each city TV station and cable station is their strong backing. The establishment and operation of this affiliate network has created a unique “air-to-ground” marketing network for the Chinese marketing community, setting up another channel for product sales. I have the privilege of participating in the planning and organization of Affiliate Network and specializing in the management of TV direct sales business. I would like to introduce some television direct sales from the perspective of professionals to help everyone have an objective understanding of this.
I was manning the register at a busy Italian restaurant when a customer walked up with his check, totaling$14.92.“That’s when Columbus discovered America,”he