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目的 :分析孕妇在妊娠期合理控制体重对其分娩结局和新生儿健康的影响。方法 :对2013年2月~2015年6月期间在我院进行孕前检查并分娩的134例孕妇的临床资料进行回顾性研究。我们将这134例孕妇随机分为观察组和对照组,每组各有67例孕妇。在这两组孕妇的妊娠期内,我院要求观察组孕妇控制体重,不要求对照组孕妇控制体重。待两组孕妇分娩后,比较她们妊娠期糖尿病的发生率、妊娠期高血压的发生率、羊水量异常的发生率、胎膜早破的发生率、自然分娩率、进行剖宫产的几率以及其胎儿体重过大的发生率和黄疸的发生率。结果 :观察组孕妇妊娠期糖尿病的发生率、妊娠期高血压的发生率、羊水量异常的发生率、胎膜早破的发生率和进行剖宫产率均明显低于对照组孕妇,其自然分娩的几率明显高于对照组孕妇,二者相比差异具有显著性(P<0.05)。观察组孕妇胎儿体重过大的发生率和黄疸的发生率均明显低于对照组孕妇的胎儿,二者相比差异具有显著性(P<0.05)。结论:孕妇在妊娠期合理控制体重可有效地降低其妊娠期糖尿病的发生率、妊娠期高血压的发生率、羊水量异常的发生率、胎膜早破的发生率、剖宫产率以及其胎儿体重过大的发生率和黄疸的发生率,提高其自然分娩率。此方法值得在临床上推广使用。 OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effect of pregnant women ’s reasonable weight control during pregnancy on the outcome of delivery and the newborn’s health. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted on the clinical data of 134 pregnant women undergoing prenatal examination and delivery in our hospital from February 2013 to June 2015. We will be 134 cases of pregnant women were randomly divided into observation group and control group, each group of 67 pregnant women. In these two groups of pregnant women during pregnancy, our hospital required observation group pregnant women weight control, does not require control of pregnant women weight control. When the two groups of pregnant women after childbirth, compared their incidence of gestational diabetes, the incidence of gestational hypertension, the incidence of abnormal amniotic fluid, the incidence of premature rupture of membranes, the natural delivery rate, the chance of cesarean section and The incidence of overweight fetus and the incidence of jaundice. Results: The incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus, the incidence of gestational hypertension, the incidence of abnormal amniotic fluid, the incidence of premature rupture of membranes and the rate of cesarean section in the observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group The chance of delivery was significantly higher than that of pregnant women in the control group, the difference was significant (P <0.05). The incidence of fetal overweight and the incidence of jaundice in the observation group were significantly lower than that of the pregnant women in the control group, the difference was significant (P <0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Pregnant women who control their body weight during pregnancy can effectively reduce the incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus, the incidence of gestational hypertension, the incidence of abnormal amniotic fluid, the incidence of premature rupture of membranes, cesarean section rate and its Fetus overweight incidence and the incidence of jaundice, improve their natural delivery rate. This method is worth promoting in clinic.
目的 探讨豫西社区糖尿病患者体重、血糖、血压及血脂控制状况与维生素D(VitD)缺乏是否相关。方法从豫西灵宝市和洛阳市吉利区中随机选取4个乡镇和4个街道作为调查社区;从每
【正】 潘家园的名气今天大的不得了。北京市民中有许多每周必到者,若有事情耽误了,象犯了烟瘾一样难拿。潘家园聚集的人气叹为观止,没有思想准备的人一去能吓一跳,古老灿烂