
来源 :西安政治学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abckidscba
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建设团结和谐的内外关系,是一个重大的政治问题。必须明确其阶段性特征:随着国际国内形势的发展变化,内外关系进入重要机遇期;随着使命任务的拓展和时代发展的要求,内外关系在军地建设中的地位和作用进入了上升期;随着改革的深化和市场经济发展,内外关系进入矛盾凸显期;信息时代对治军和管理方式提出了许多新要求,内外关系的形式内容进入了转变期;随着人才战略工程的加速推进,全方位提高人员素质进入紧迫期。积极寻求建设团结和谐的内外关系的新突破:确立与时代发展需求相适应的新理念;树立与构建新型内外关系相适应的新标准;完善与新型内外关系相适应的政策法规体系;拓展与建设社会主义和谐社会相适应的实践领域;构建与永葆生机和活力相适应的运行机制。 Building a harmonious internal and external relations is a major political issue. We must clarify its phased characteristics: With the development and changes in international and domestic situations, the internal and external relations have entered an important period of opportunity. With the expansion of mission tasks and the requirements of the development of the times, the status and role of the internal and external relations in the military construction have entered a period of rise ; With the deepening of reform and the development of market economy, the internal and external relations have entered a period of contradictions; the information age has put forward many new requirements on the methods of running the army and management, and the formal contents of the internal and external relations have entered a period of change. With the acceleration of the strategic project of talent, , All-round improvement of personnel quality into the pressing period. Actively Seek New Breakthroughs in Building a Harmonious Internal-External Relationship in a United Way: Establishing a New Concept that Adapts to the Development Needs of the Times; Establishing a New Standard to Meet the Requirements of Establishing a New Type of Internal-External Relations; Perfecting the Policy, Law and Regulation System in Accordance with New-Type Internal and External Relations; Expanding and Building Socialist harmonious society to adapt to the practical areas; to build and maintain the vitality and vitality of the operating mechanism to adapt.
理解哲学在人的精神世界金字塔中的顶层、内核和灵魂方位,对于当代人自觉学习和运用马克思主义哲学具有十分重要的意义。 Understanding the top level, core and soul orie