
来源 :上海大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weiw2436
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Let D=(V, A) be a digraph with minimum indegree at least one and girth at least k, where k≥2 is an integer. In this paper, the following results were proved. A digraph D has a ( k,l)-kernel if and only if its line digraph L(D) does, and the number of (k,l)-kernels in D is equal to the number of (k,l)-kernels in L(D), where 1≤l<k. As a consequence, previous results about k-kernels in the line digraphs were gained.
Design patterns are micro architectures that have proved to be reliable, robust and easy to implement. Detecting design pattern from source code of object-orien
Mean decision power (MDP) is an important criterion of a new reduction model, and relative decision power (RDP) and amount of rules (AR) are key parameters of M
Clustering is an important technique for analyzing gene expression data. The self-organizing map is one of the most useful clustering algorithms. However, its a
去利霞家  九月的最后一天平静、异常。没有割草机  驶进利霞家的院子。晾衣绳轻轻地晃着、舔着  甜蜜的光滑的中国式铁栏。  更远处是管道施工队,忙着我们并不关心的活计。  一整天我们都是轻松、快乐的。  没有事物消耗着我们的力量。它们也不能。  我们坐着,像被铁拧在一起;  站起来,铁在熔化。  生活的美没有因我们而使它降低。  但我浪费了它,两次或三次。在这里,或别处。  噢,这严重的时刻一去永
Aiming at piezoresistive pressure sensors, this paper studies simulation of standard pressure by using benchmark current source and self-calibration of the samp
摘 要:本文选取弗吉尼亚伍尔夫的《到灯塔去》为研究材料,从中挑选女主人公拉姆齐夫人和女画家莉莉为研究对象,通过分析小说的文本内容,讨论二者的相同点和不同点,反应出表面看起来截然不同的女性形象事实上兼具传统与独立的精神。  关键词:拉姆齐夫人;莉莉;传统;独立  作者简介:毕琳娜(1982-),内蒙古科技大學外国语学院副教授,研究方向:外国语言学及应用语言学。  [中图分类号]:I106 [文献标识
The problem of two small parameters in ordinary differential equations were extended to that in partial differential equations.The initial boundary problem for