
来源 :中国皮革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fengyunwoaihui
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前言: 今年年初,河南鞋城皮革集团的缔造者、全国劳动模范崔庆义董事长因病去世。如今,半年多时间过去了,只要提起他,无论是业界人士,还是当地的父老乡亲,都无不为之动容和慨叹。仅靠2万元起家,崔庆义董事长带领员工经过20年的艰苦奋斗,创造出了在皮革业界及当地经济发展的一个个奇迹,小厂变成了一个拥有4000多名职工的大型跨国集团公司,公司总资产达到9.7亿元,共拥有13个国内分公司,9个办事处,2个国外分公司,年投牛皮150多万张,出口旅游鞋2000万双,河南鞋城皮革集团坐在了中国牛皮革的头把交椅上。多项殊荣与荣誉被鞋城皮革集团摘走,崔庆义董事长生前也被推选为国际皮业贸易协会亚洲委员会委员。从出生于一个贫苦农民家庭到艰苦创业取得巨大成功,崔庆义心里始终装着父老乡亲,因为鞋城皮革集团的崛起,集团公司所在地周边地区的发展也发生了翻天覆地的变化,这里的群众说,老崔的企业象棵树,树越大乘凉的人就越多。 “人才比金子都精贵”,这是崔庆义生前常说的一句话,他也这么去做了。对现任集团公司副总经理孟庆章的求贤若渴,用“三顾茅庐”来描述,没有丝毫的夸张。老崔虽然走了,但他却给我们皮革业,给我们全社会留下了珍贵而巨大的物质财富与精神财富,为了缅怀他的业绩与精神,集团公司副总孟庆章回忆了与 Foreword: At the beginning of this year, the founder of Henan Leather Group Leather Co., Ltd., the chairman of the national labor model Cui Qingyi, passed away due to illness. Today, more than half a year has passed. As long as he is mentioned, both the people in the industry and the local folks are all moved and lamented. Starting from 20,000 yuan alone, Chairman Cui Qingyi led the employees after 20 years of hard work and created a miracle in the leather industry and local economic development. Xiaochang became a large multinational corporation with more than 4,000 employees. , The company’s total assets reached 970 million yuan, with a total of 13 domestic branches, 9 offices, 2 foreign branch companies, more than 1.5 million cowhide leathers, 20 million pairs of travel shoes, and Henan Shoes City Leather Group. Chinese cow leather top spot. A number of honors and honours were taken away by Shoe City Leather Group. Chairman Choi Qingyi was also elected as a member of the Asia Committee of the International Leather Trade Association. From the birth of a poor peasant family to great success in hard work, Cui Qingyi always had his father and fellow citizens in his heart. Because of the rise of Shoe City Leather Group, the development of the surrounding areas of the company’s location has also undergone earth-shaking changes. The people here said that Lao Cui’s Businesses are like trees. The more people there are, the cooler the trees are. “Talent is more expensive than gold.” This is a word that Cui Qingyi used to say before he was born. He also did so. To Meng Qingzhang, the deputy general manager of the current group company, is eager to describe it with “three visits to the cemetery”, without the slightest exaggeration. Although Lao Cui left, he gave us the leather industry and left us with precious and huge material wealth and spiritual wealth. In order to cherish his achievements and spirit, Meng Qingzhang, deputy general manager of the group, recalled
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为进一步加强国有企业经营管理 者队伍建设,北京城健二建设工程有 限公司党委坚持“四化”标准和德才兼备原则,经素质论人才,重实绩用干 部,把增强经营管理者的责任感、危 感与加
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