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乡村砂石路是干线公路与支线公路的纽带,是加快农业产业化发展,实现农村经济再上新台阶的重要基石和根本保证。我省在加快重点交通工程建设的同时,仍然把县乡村道路建设作为一项民心工程和致富工程来抓,采取了一系列措施促进乡村道路发展,体现了省委、省政府对乡村道路的关心和重视。各市县也都投入一定的精力建设乡村道路,并取得了显著成绩。据有关资料统计,到1998年底,我省已通车的乡村道路达71225公里,占全省公路总里程的77.36%,使31986个行政村受益,乡村道路砂石化率达89.7%。随着乡村道路的不断发展和“通达工程”的全面实现,砂石路的养护管理却显得十分薄弱,存在的问题日益暴露出来,并且相当严重。加强乡村砂石路的养护管理工作已经迫在眉睫。 Rural gravel road is a link between trunk road and branch road, which is an important cornerstone and a fundamental guarantee for speeding up the development of agricultural industrialization and bringing the rural economy to a new level. While speeding up the construction of major traffic projects, the province still took the construction of county and village roads as a popular project and a project to get rich. It adopted a series of measures to promote the development of rural roads and reflected the concern of the provincial party committee and government on rural roads And attention. All cities and counties also devote a certain amount of energy to the construction of village roads and have achieved remarkable results. According to relevant statistics, by the end of 1998, the number of rural roads opened to traffic in our province has reached 71225 kilometers, accounting for 77.36% of the total mileage of the highway in the province, benefiting 31,986 administrative villages and 89.7% of sand roads in rural roads. With the continuous development of rural roads and the full realization of the Mastery Project, the gravel road maintenance and management has become very weak. The existing problems have become increasingly exposed and quite serious. It is imminent to strengthen the management of rural gravel roads.
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拉萨的云没有边际,从珠穆朗玛峰一直到昆仑山上,圣洁地在高山上飘荡,有的挂在山巅,有的在树枝上飘扬,布满整个天空,肆无忌惮地流淌。   拉萨的云格外悠扬,博大的胸怀充满了雨的思想,凝结成雪的磁场,装着青稞酒的心房,有时激情奔放,有时雪雾蒙蒙……我爬上拉萨的云端,踩着洁白的棉毯,迎着微风,仰望蓝天,太阳在召唤,珠穆朗玛峰在思念。   拉萨的云披在了山的肩上,像一条条洁白的哈达,让山穿上了雪的衣装,天空