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作为一种获取持续竞争优势的动态能力,组织的双元能力受到广泛关注,但目前关于组织双元能力的形成前因和后果的研究结果并不一致。本文在对以往研究进行系统梳理的基础上,采用元分析方法,考察了构建双元能力的组织因素以及双元性能力的绩效后果。研究结果表明:组织特定的结构特征、情境特征和领导特征与双元能力存在相关关系,而情境特征和领导特征对双元能力的影响更为显著;双元能力测量方法、分析层次和行业类型等因素调节了组织特征与双元能力之间的关系;双元能力有助于提高组织的财务和非财务绩效,双元能力对绩效提升的积极作用在业务单元、团队和高技术行业中表现得更为突出。此外,双元能力与绩效的关系受测量因素和情境因素的交互影响。本文的发现不仅揭示了双元能力形成和作用的内在机理和边界条件,同时也对如何培育双元能力有着重要的启示意义。 As a kind of dynamic ability to gain sustainable competitive advantage, the dual capability of the organization has drawn much attention. However, the research results on the antecedents and consequences of the dual capability of the organization are not consistent at present. Based on the systematic review of the previous studies, this paper uses the meta-analysis method to examine the organizational factors and the performance consequences of the dual capability. The results show that the organizational structure-specific features, situational characteristics and leadership characteristics have a relationship with the dual ability, while the situational characteristics and leadership characteristics have a more significant impact on the dual capabilities. The methods of dual capability measurement, the analysis hierarchy and the types of industries And other factors regulate the relationship between organizational characteristics and dual capabilities; dual capabilities help to improve the financial and non-financial performance of the organization; the positive impact of dual capabilities on performance enhancements is manifested in business units, teams, and high-tech industries To be more prominent. In addition, the relationship between dual capabilities and performance is influenced by the interaction of measurement and contextual factors. The discovery of this article not only reveals the intrinsic mechanism and boundary conditions for the formation and function of dual capabilities, but also has important implications for how to cultivate dual capabilities.
山东高考新方案的实施,特别是“基本能力”测试,要求学生具备较高的综合素养和实践能力,这无疑给高中教学带来了新的挑战。基本能力的考查打破了 The implementation of the
领:天上的月儿亮堂堂, 营房里的战士拉家常, 三句话不离消防队, 众:句句说的是拼命三郎。 领:这拼命三郎入伍从军十几年, 他干一行来爱一行, 成绩显著功劳大, 众:年年登上光荣榜。 领:干
摘要:关于思想政治教育动力问题研究的著作和文章的数量都不多,本文通过对思想政治教育动力问题既有研究成果的分析,指出思想政治教育的动力最主要的是受教育者物质需要和精神需要的满足,因此,构建思想政治教育的动力机制要从理念的完善、政策的保证和受教育者自我需要的激发出发,三管齐下,提高思想政治教育的实效性。  关键词:动力 自我教育 需要与满足    一、思想政治教育动力问题的研究综述  关于思想政治教育
20 0 1年 7月 1 3日 1 0时 0 8分 ,莫斯科河畔的国际贸易中心 ,国际奥委会第 1 1 2次会议对申请举办 2 0 0 8年奥运会的“申奥”城市的计票结束 ,2 0时 1 0分 ,德高望重的 81
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