从高考试题看when 的用法

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  一、 连词when的用法
  1. (2011年浙江卷)One Friday,we were packing to leave for a weekend away_______my daughter beard cries for help.
  2. (2011年福建卷)It was April 29,2001_______Prince William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of the wedding ceremony.
  (1) 从属连词when表示 “当……时候”。引导的时间状语从句表示与主句动作同时或不同时,从句动词用延续或非延续都可以。有时候when 后面可以直接跟过去分词或现在分词。如:
  I’ll telephone you when I get there tomorrow. 明天我到那儿的时候就给你打电话。
  When asked why he was late, the little boy was very frightened. 当问起为什么迟到时,那个男孩非常害怕。
  When working in the fields, the man found a snake. 在田里干活时,那人发现了一条蛇。
  When he worked in that company, he made a lot of friends. 在那家公司上班时,他交了很多朋友。
  注意:while 也可以引导时间状语从句,从句用延续性动词。如上句也可以说:
  While he worked in that company, he made a lot of friends.
  (2) 连词when 用做并列连词表示“就在这时,恰恰在这个时候”(=and this time/just at that time)的意思。此时,不可以用其他词代替。如:
  Tom was sitting near the fire when he heard a knock at the door. 汤姆正坐在火炉边,这时他听到一阵敲门声。
  I was just going to speak when the doorbell rang. 我正准备讲话,这时门铃响了。
  One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashed. 一天查科正在太平洋上空飞行,就在这时他的飞机突然坠毁。
  ①was/were doing+when 意思为 “就在这时,正在这时”。如:
  We were discussing the maths problem when the headmaster came in. 我们正在讨论数学问题,就在这时校长进来了。
  Li ping was walking in the street when he heard himself called from behind. 李平正在街上走,就在这时有人从后面叫他。
  ②be+表示状态的介词短语+when意思为 “正在做某事,就在这时……”。如:
  They were at work in the office that afternoon when a big fire broke out. 那天下午他们正在办公室工作,就在这时一场大火发生了。
  We were on duty in the classroom when a boy rushed in. 我们正在教室里值日,就在这时一名男孩冲进来了。
  Tom was on his way to school when two boys stopped him. 汤姆正往学校走,突然两个男孩拦住了他。
  ③was/were about to do… when 意思为 “正要/正准备做某事,就在这时……”。如:
  Liu Fang was about to go out when someone knocked at the door. 刘芳正准备出去,这时有人在敲门。
  They were about to set out when it began to snow. 他们正要动身,就在这时开始下雪了。
  二、 关系副词when 的用法
  Between the two parts of the concert is an interval,_______the audience can buy icecream.(2011年江苏卷)
  分析:A。本题考查定语从句关系词的选择。此处先行词an interval表示“间断”,指时间。且关系副词when在定语从句中做状语。
  关系副词When的用法,当定语从句所修饰的先行词是表示时间的名词时,用关系副词when, 在定语从句中充当时间状语。也可以用介词+which 来代替when. 如:
  I still remember the day when I visited the professor. ( the day是先行词, when是关系副词,在从句中做时间状语。) 我仍然记得我拜访教授的那一天。
  His grandpa lived at a time when there was not enough to eat. 他祖父生活在吃不饱的时代。
  This is the time when we go home every day. = This is the time at which we go home every day. 这是我们每天回家的时间。
  注意:当先行词是the time, the moment, the day, the minute等时,关系副词when 可以省略,也可以用that引导。如:
  Do you still remember the day (when/that ) we got to know the computer. 你还记得我们开始认识电脑的那一天吗?(这时的定语从句省略了when/that, 实际上已经上是一个时间状语从句了。)
  All lay load on the willing horse.
  三、 连接副词when的用法
  The last time we had great fun was_______we were visiting the Water Park. (2008年天津卷)
  名词性从句中,连接副词 When既起连接作用,同时又在从句中做时间状语。如:
  When he will go to America is not yet fixed. =It is not yet fixed when he will go to America. 他什么时候去美国还没有确定下来。
  此句中,when引导的是主语从句,When 在从句中充当时间状语。
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英语中,所谓主谓一致,就是指主语和谓语的一致性。主语和谓语一致也是指谓语动词与作主语的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。一般说来,我们可以把主谓一致分为:语法一致,意义一致和就近一致三种情况。  主谓一致是中学英语的重要语法,也是高考的重要考点。现将近年来,全国各高考试题中有关主谓一致的考查点归纳总结如下:    热点一:考查整体中的部分作主语  【高考真题】  例1 (2011年湖南卷)One-t