
来源 :皖南医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qvwen2005
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陈宝善男50岁 79年11月14日初诊。酗酒数十载,三年来屡患睾丸肿痛,因反复发作,始戒酒。此后两年睾肿未再发,但常觉皮肤灼热,并有胸腹烦热,上下移动感,因能忍受,未予治疗。近两月来病渐重,且纳减,溲黄,矢气时肛门灼热,昨日右目突然失明,右眼球及右侧头角胀痛甚剧,时昏闷,两脉弦数有力,舌淡红苔淡黄。此系肝热上扰清窍,急于泻肝热,熄内风: 羚羊角片0.6克(炖冲) 石决明30克双钩藤12克青葙子15克冬桑叶10克草决明15克赤芍药10克谷精草10克炒枯芩10克生地15克焦山栀10克二帖 11月16日复诊。药后反觉头痛加剧,口渴喜饮,昨夜寒热如疟,热退后亦无汗出,口苦颇甚,治肝不应,拟从胆入手,投大剂小柴胡以升发旋转少阳之枢机,透解沉伏之 Chen Baoshan male 50 years old Newly diagnosed on November 14, 79. Dozens of years of drinking, three years of repeated testicular swelling and pain, due to repeated attacks, began to abstain from alcohol. Two years later, the epistaxis did not recur, but the skin was often burned, and the chest and abdomen became hot and upset, and the sense of movement up and down could be tolerated without treatment. In the past two months, the disease has gradually become heavy, and has been reduced. He has been yellowish and has an anal burning heart on his right knees. He suddenly lost his right eye yesterday. Right eyeballs and the right side of the head horn are very painful. When he is depressed, the two pulse strings are powerful and the tongue is red. Yellowish moss. This Department of liver heat on the disturbance of phlegm, eager to diarrhea liver heat, extinguish the wind: antelope horn 0.6 grams (stewing red) stone cassia 30 grams double hook vine 12 grams green medlar 15 grams winter mulberry leaves 10 grams grass Cassia 15 Ke Chia medicine 10 grams Gu Jingcao 10 grams fried and dried 10 grams of raw land 15 grams of coke Hawthorn 10 grams II quoted November 16 referral. After the drug, he felt an increased headache, increased thirst and hilarity. He had feverish thirst, and he had no symptoms such as malaria. He also had no sweating after heat retreat. His mouth was very bitter. Hepatitis should not be treated. He wanted to start from the gallbladder. Cardinal, transparent solution
严济慈、鲁之俊、叶橘泉、齐谋甲、胡熙明同志题词。庆祝中药通报创刊三十周年(1) 专论姜科药用植物亲缘关系在中药整理与研究中应用(1):3关于加强中药复方化学成分的研究(2