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有关院所创新文化建设的几个认识问题其一,有没有院所创新文化现象的问题。所有社会团体无一例外的发生、发展着与其团体的存在相适应的精神现象即团体文化。作为社会团体的科研院所的院所创新文化不是有没有的问题,而是对它的认识与把握是自觉与不自觉的问题,是主动与被动的问题。特别作为管理者,尤其应当自觉、主动的树立院所创新文化的观念,正确运用院所创新文化手段,促进科技事业的发展。其二,要不要进行院所创新文化建设的问题。所有科研院所都必然的在其院所创新文化的作用之下逐步演变与发展,科研院所发展目标的实现除了客观条件与机遇之外,完全取决于院所创新文化的科学有效性。因而不是要不要进行院所创新文化建设的问题,而是院所创新文化是否科学有效的问题,是如何加强院所创新文化建设与发挥其作用的问题。 First of all, there are several problems in understanding the innovative cultural construction of institutes. All social groups, without exception, develop the spiritual phenomenon that is compatible with the existence of their groups, namely, the group culture. Innovative culture in institutes and institutes as research institutes of social organizations is not a question of whether there is a problem but a question of conscious and unconscious understanding and grasping of it. It is a question of initiative and passiveness. In particular, as a manager, we should consciously and initiatively establish the concept of innovative culture in institutions and make proper use of innovative cultural means of institutions to promote the development of science and technology. Second, we should not carry out the innovation and cultural construction of the hospital. All scientific research institutes inevitably evolve and develop under the influence of the innovative culture in their institutes. The realization of the scientific research institutes' development goals depends not only on the objective conditions and opportunities, but also on the scientific validity of the institute's innovative culture. Therefore, it is not a question of whether or not to carry out the innovation culture construction of the institute, but whether the innovation culture of the institute is scientific and effective or not, and how to strengthen the innovation culture construction and play its role.
5月2日我爱蓝色,因为蓝色是海的颜色;我爱大海,因为大海有宽阔的胸怀。这次五一节期间,我就来到了举世闻名的北戴河。 May 2 I love blue, because blue is the color of th
乖乖宝贝终于来了!第一眼看到他,有没有泪盈双眼?初来乍到的第一个月,他有没有让你手足无措?别着急,请跟我们来!身长体重在变化  足月出生的宝宝,一般体重在 2.50~4.00千克之间,平均身长约 50 厘米。第一个月,宝宝体重每周约增长 150~270 克,身长每周约增长 0.9~1 厘米。  妈妈的小忧虑  宝宝生下来只有3080克,吃奶吃得还算好,怎么第三天却只有2860克了呢?是不是生病了?
通过回转窑结合大修理进行改造的实例,介绍了回转窑在生产运行中存在的问题和改进措施,以及改造后的效果。 Through the example of rotary kiln combined with overhaul, the