
来源 :西安交通大学学报(医学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzfsunny
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再生障碍性贫血是一种进行性贫血,病因尚不清楚,目前认为是由于骨髓功能衰竭而引起的一组综合症。临床表现除一般贫血症状外,还有出血及易感染的倾向,周围血像中三系细胞减少。过去本病被判为所谓“不治之症”。解放后,在毛主席无产阶级医疗卫生路线指引下,广大医务工作者应用中西医结合治疗,不少病人尤其是慢性型患者获得长期缓解以至痊愈。其疗效超过单独使用西药,据1977年黑龙江中医学院附属医院内科统计,国内中西医结合治疗再障的近期有效率为78.2%,而远期疗效也是非常可观的,例如中医研究院、西苑医院内科1975年报告对中西医结合治疗后的36例进行了随访,其中出院达4~9年有33例, Aplastic anemia is a type of progressive anemia, and the cause is not yet clear. It is currently considered to be a group of syndromes caused by bone marrow failure. In addition to the general clinical symptoms of anemia, there is a tendency of bleeding and infection, and the number of triple line cells in peripheral blood is reduced. In the past, the disease was found to be the so-called “incurable disease.” After the liberation, under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s proletarian medical and health care line, the majority of medical workers applied integrated treatment of traditional Chinese and western medicine. Many patients, especially chronic patients, had long-term relief and even recovered. The curative effect exceeds the use of Western medicine alone. According to the statistics of the Department of Internal Medicine of the Affiliated Hospital of Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1977, the recent effective rate of aplastic anemia in combination with Chinese and Western medicine is 78.2%, and the long-term efficacy is also very impressive, such as the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Xiyuan Hospital. In the 1975 report of the Internal Medicine Department, 36 cases were followed up after treatment with integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, of which 33 cases were discharged from hospital in 4 to 9 years.
市售油酸是多相脂质体139的主要成分。经 GC—MS 证明,市售油酸是脂肪酸的混合物,油酸(18:1,9C)含量最高,约为70%,用气相色谱法测定多相脂质体139的油酸或市售油酸的含量,样
一、材料与方法 1.药物:喜树碱注射液,蟾皮注射液,菝葜注射液。 2.动物:体重为250~300克的雄性大白鼠,共25只,健康活泼,符合实验标准。 First, materials and methods 1. Dr
刺参(Stichopus japonicus S.)酸性粘多糖系由刺参体壁分离所得,实验证明有抗多种动物移植性肿瘤的作用。腹腔注射50mg/kg 对小鼠 S_(180)抑制率为53%,S_(37)为49%,淋巴肉瘤
垂盆草(Sedum sarmentosum Bunge)为景天科多年生草本植物,性凉味甘淡,全草入药。民间用来治疗肝炎、疔疮等。上海中医研究所等单位进一步采用单味垂盆草治疗各型肝炎1000余
【处方】鹅不食草二钱,紫苏叶三钱,胡颓子叶三钱,生姜三片。【主治】风寒型急性气管炎。【用法】水煎服,每日一剂,分2~3次服。 [Prescription] Goose does not eat two mone