
来源 :档案工作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:MyEclipse927
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我区清理会计档案的工作是从1984年3月开始的,到去年11月底,地直机关的七十二个会计单位和全区的十三个县市已基本完成了1949至1984年会计档案的清理、建档工作。在一年多的时间里,我们指导清理会计档案主要采取了以下几种方法: 一、调查研究,摸清情况,不打无准备之仗。清理积存会计档案,建立会计档案工作,是档案部门的一项重要任务。在工作开展之前,我们首先深入行政机关、企事业单位,建设银行和财政、税务等部门进行调查,在调查中发现各单位管理的会计档案比较乱。有的成包成捆存 The work of clearing the accounting archives in our district started from March 1984 and by the end of November last year, the 72 accounting units of the local authorities and the 13 counties and cities in the region have basically completed the accounting records of 1949 to 1984 The cleanup, filing work. In more than a year, we have taken the following measures to guide the clean-up of accounting archives: First, we must conduct investigations and studies to find out the situation and not fight unprepared battles. Clearing up accumulated accounting files and establishing accounting files is an important task of the archives department. Before the work started, we conducted in-depth investigations into the administrative organs, enterprises and public institutions, the Construction Bank and the finance and taxation departments. During the investigation, we found that the accounting records administered by various departments were rather chaotic. Some into a bundle into a bundle
走进很深的山里一路上没有找到迷人的风景在静静的一座竹园旁我只见到了一条弯弯曲曲叮叮咚咚的小溪我脱掉了鞋袜 Into the deep mountains did not find the charming sce
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This study investigated the accumulation of heavy metals in the above-ground vegetation and soil around an iron smelting factory located at the Fashina Area, Il