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为探讨自然恢复过程中喀斯特森林土壤有机质含量(SOM)与土壤理化指标及植物多样性指数的相关性,对贵州省茂兰国家级自然保护区中不同森林类型的SOM、土壤理化性质指标和植物多样性指数进行了研究。根据乔木层物种的重要值,将保护区的41个调查样地划分为香叶树一枫香林、檵木一马尾松林、槭树一朴树林、小叶栾树一化香林、灯台一小花株木林和四照花一青冈栎林类型。结果表明,部分森林类型土壤A层或B层的SOM差异显著,且部分森林类型的植物种数、胸高直径、高度和密度,以及Margale(指数、Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou指数值也差异显著。土壤孔隙度、蓄水量和主要肥力与养分指标值随SOM增加而增大。乔木层的植物多样性指数与SOM呈正相关,与土壤A层SOM相关显著、Simpson指数和Pielou指数与土壤B层SOM相关显著。灌木层、草本层的植物多样性指数与SOM相关不显著。多元分析结果表明,植物多样性指数对土壤A层SOM的总贡献率呈灌木层>乔木层>草本层、对土壤B层SOM的总贡献率呈草本层>乔木层>灌木层的趋势,表明喀斯特地区SOM管理的植物多样性措施适宜以乔木树种为主、辅以灌木与草本层植物的复合经营方式。同时,土壤SOM不仅受乔木层植物多样性指数的影响、也受林分所处演替阶段与结构指标的影响,植物多样性指数的二次多项式拐点可成为喀斯特石漠化治理工程中物种量化管理的参考依据之一。 In order to explore the correlation between soil organic matter content (SOM) and soil physico-chemical indexes and plant diversity index in Karst forest during natural restoration, the SOMs, soil physical and chemical properties indexes and plants of different forest types in Maolan National Nature Reserve of Guizhou Province Diversity index was studied. According to the important value of tree layer species, the 41 surveyed plots of the protected area were divided into two types: fragrant maple wood, alder wood-Pinus massoniana forest, maple tree, Four photos of a glauca forest type. The results showed that there was significant difference in SOM between A and B layers in some forest types, and the plant species, chest diameter, height and density of some forest types and Margale (index, Simpson index, Shannon-Wiener index and Pielou index value The difference was significant.The soil porosity, water storage and main fertility and nutrient index values ​​increased with the increase of SOM.The plant diversity index of arbor layer was positively correlated with SOM, significant with SOM of soil layer A, Simpson index and Pielou index The SOM of soil layer B was significant, and the index of plant diversity in shrub layer and herb layer was not significantly correlated with SOM.The multivariate analysis showed that the contribution of plant diversity index to SOM of soil layer A was shrub layer> arbor layer> herb layer , And the total contribution rate of SOM to soil B layer is from herb layer> tree layer> shrub layer, indicating that the measures of plant diversity managed by SOM in karst area are suitable mainly for arbor tree species supplemented by the compound management mode of shrub and herb layer plants At the same time, soil SOM was not only affected by plant diversity index, but also influenced by succession stage and structure index of forest stand, and plant diversity index II Polynomial inflection point may become one of the reference species quantitative management of karst rocky desertification control projects.
为解析HMGR基因在杜仲橡胶生物合成中的作用,本研究以杜仲良种华仲6号叶片和果皮为材料,参考杜仲基因组和转录组数据,克隆了杜仲HMGR基因,命名为Eu HMGR,全长1770 bp,编码590
在水利枢纽施工工程中 ,测量工作是其工作的第一步 ,首先应本着“由整体到局部 ,先控制后细部”,的原则 ,以保证其工作的严密性、科学性和规范性 ,它要求测量人员不仅有较高
合同管理主要是针对合同在拟定时起至合同履行结束止的全过程的监督、审查 ,防止自己违约和避免对方反索赔的管理工作。合同必须以书面形式表达。合同必须具备四项原则 ,即 :