
来源 :森林防火 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dawancha2010
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一、前言森林火灾涉及问题多,信息量大,要求迅速处理,及时作出反应。发展我国统一的森林火险预报系统,使用电子计算机作为林火数据处理的强有力工具,作为一项预研性工作,引进并验证加拿大林火天气指标系统在黑龙江省的适用性,使用国内广泛应用的PC—1500袖珍计算机,用BASIC语言,按模块结构,编制的一整套多种火险指标计算功能的程序,为林火实况及预报,森林火险区划,计划烧除提供大量经过精确处理的信息。既可为防火指挥部门使用,也可适用野外使用。 I. INTRODUCTION Forest fires involve many problems and large amounts of information, requiring quick response and timely response. The development of China’s unified forest fire forecasting system, the use of electronic computers as a powerful tool for forest fire data processing, as a pre-feasibility study, the introduction and verification of Canada’s forest fire indicator system in Heilongjiang Province, the applicability of the widely used domestic PC-1500 Pocket PC with BASIC language, according to the module structure, a set of procedures for the calculation of a variety of fire indicators, for the forest fire and forecasting, forest fire zoning, plan burned to provide a large number of accurately processed information. Can be used for fire command department, but also for field use.
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一锈腐病菌鉴定 1962年以来,先后从吉林省各参场采集的人参根标样分离到锈腐病菌菌株10个,然后进行人工接种测定其致病力结果,有4个菌株对参根有致病力。经戚佩坤等鉴定,认
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松针红斑病是世界上松树叶部重要病害之一。据报道可为害松属(Pinus)41个种、变种和杂交种,还为害欧洲落叶松(Larix decidua)、西特喀云杉(Picea sitekenis)和花旗松(Pseudo
花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)青枯病(Pseudomonas Solanacearum E.F.Smith)是一种重要的花生细菌性病害,分布较广,危害很大.国内外对其病理学、抗性资源筛选、抗病育种、病害
用经氢氧化钾部分中和的亚磷酸或用乙磷铝进行叶面喷施或土壤灌注能防治樟疫霉引起的油梨(Persea amerfcana)和印度油梨(P.indica)的根腐病。灌注磷酸可增加油梨疫霉根腐病害
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