Analysis of Wuliangye Enterprise by SWOT Analysis

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  摘 要:This paper analyzes Wuliangye by swot analysis from multiple angles.
  關键词:swot analysis, Wuliangye, opportunity, challenge
  S1: The brand of Wuliangye has a special position in the hearts of consumers in China. As a well-known brand, Wuliangye has always represented high-quality liquor.
  S2: On the basis of the wine industry as the main business, the company implements diversified quality scale and efficiency expansion.
  S3: The unique 600-year-old, unique five-grain food formula produces a world-class wine Wuliangye with complete quality. In addition, the company is also actively engaged in technological innovation, investing heavily in the establishment of high-level scientific and technological research institutes, and now has the largest and most automated aseptic filling line in China.
  S4: Wuliangye's brand total distribution model and store model make the company's marketing network throughout the country. At the same time, he handed over the brand operation rights of his own development and acquisition to the agents or regional circulation enterprises in the form of “buyout management”.
  W1: The main business is wine industry, too single.
  W2: Since its listing, Wuliangye Co., Ltd. has invested in a total of 17 companies in the packaging, printing, environmental protection, chemical, fruit wine, glass and other business areas. By 2014, the total investment amounted to more than 4 billion yuan, but the profits contributed by these companies to the parent company Only 562 million yuan. There are 6 investment projects with no gains, and the cumulative income contribution of the two projects is negative.
  O1: The liquor industry is an industry that is greatly affected by the regulation of state policies. The tax revenue of liquor accounts for a large proportion of the state's tax revenue and is an important pillar of the national economy. State leaders attach great importance to the development of traditional liquor. At present, the state's policy of “market-oriented, grain-saving, meeting consumption as the goal of quality, low, multi-variety, low energy consumption, less pollution, and high efficiency” has been implemented in the country’s liquor industry. .
  O2: China's per capita national income continues to grow, and disposable income has increased substantially, which has greatly increased the consumption of liquor, providing a good environment for the development of the liquor industry. The state further improved and implemented macroeconomic policies, implemented sound fiscal and monetary policies, further developed the role of monetary policy in macroeconomic regulation, and better adjusted the total social demand and improved balance of payments.   O3: Increase the competitiveness of products and services in a globalized market in global resource allocation. Entering the world economic cycle, taking a new road to industrialization, and lengthening the industrial chain in a timely manner,
  O4: Liquor is a relatively low entry barrier industry, and the required investment is quite small. The variable cost accounts for a large part. The different consumer preferences of different localities make the competition between liquors different. Such external factors make the competition intensity. To a certain extent, the industry has obvious economies of scale, and incumbents can take advantage of the large barriers to entry that result from product differentiation. The liquor industry is an industry with more marketing costs, which has led the industry to set a threshold for entry into new enterprises.
  T1: The liquor industry is an industry that is greatly affected by the regulation of state policies. In order to properly increase fiscal revenue and improve the consumption tax on alcoholic products, the State has formulated the “Measures for the Administration of the Taxation of Liquor Consumption Taxes”, which was implemented in July 2009. At that time, although the tax rate will remain unchanged, the tax base will increase the tax payment of liquor. Doubled.
  T2: Different levels of people have different consumption concepts. The upper-level consumers pay more attention to the cultural taste and the vintage of liquor. The middle-level consumers pay more attention to the taste and brand of liquor, while the middle- and lower-tier consumers pay more attention to the price and taste of liquor.
  T3: According to the state regulations, the annual import quota of 50,000 tons of wine will be gradually phased out. In 2004, the import tariff on wine will drop from 44.6 percent to 14 percent, and the tariffs on wine will be lowered to varying degrees, and will be released in 2005.
  II.Conclusion: Wuliangye should make full use of its own advantages to develop opportunities in the environment, use opportunities to change the internal disadvantages of Wuliangye, and use its own advantages to eliminate threats in the environment. It is important to develop effective business strategies for your own business.
摘 要:电能在当今我们的生活中发挥着非常重要的作用,是社会发展过程中重要的组成部分,也是人们日常生活中常用的基础能源之一。同时也是电力工程设计的原则和方针。对电能进行合理、有效的开发利用可以大大减少能源的损耗。它有着非常重要的作用,可以保护自然生态环境,进而可以有效提高我国的综合国力。对电力工程设计特点进行相关研究,以及电力工程施工现状等可以对电力系统规划设计工作提出具有针对性的意见。  关键词:
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摘 要:在社会经济不断进步与发展的二十一世纪,我国电力企业在实际发展的过程中,为了更好的提升电力能源供应的效率和质量,积极加强电力规划是非常重要的,对于电力建设水平以及电力建设效率的有效提升都具有非常重要的影响。因此,本文在研究的过程中,积极从当前电网的发展现状以及未来的建设规划影响出发,对其规划之后的相关效果进行有效分析,从而更好的把握电力企业的发展方向,推动我国社会主义现代化建逐渐朝着科学化与