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“到医院后,把医保卡给医生,我马上就被安排了床位,其他的基本不需要自己再管。总体来说,护士医生态度都不错,很有耐心。”出镜人物:解冰34岁旅居德国12年目前任国内大学任教我在德国的12年里,对医院感触最深的就是生孩子。生产那天,到医院后,把医保卡给医生,我马上就被安排了床位,其他的基本不需要自己再管。虽然已经疼得不行了,但是医生强调一定要多走,不要躺着,我忍着疼痛在走廊溜达了1个多小时,休息时在床上发现羊水破了,马上进入待产室。室内一直有助产士在旁边,机器监测胎儿心跳和阵痛 “To the hospital, the Medicare card to the doctor, I was immediately arranged for the bed, the other basic do not need to re-manage their own .In general, the nurse doctor attitude is good, very patient. ” Appearance character: Ice 34-year-old living in Germany for 12 years currently serving as a domestic university in Germany for 12 years, the deepest feelings of the hospital is to have children. Production day, to the hospital, the Medicare card to the doctor, I was immediately arranged for a bed, the other basic do not need to re-manage their own. Although pain has gone, but the doctor stressed that we must go more, do not lie down, I endured the pain in the corridor stroll more than 1 hour, rest in bed found amniotic fluid broke, and immediately into the waiting room. There are always midwives in the room and the machine monitors the fetal heartbeat and soreness
侧匆森中那卑坦动囚卜。饵解。闭吕。叫骤毅 傲关娜牟称皿祀断形举牟称血刽日担 吸侧皿朴状日到 嗬侧恤外杖日酬 货卞郭称架犷却椒杖脚娜极帆拐。o吕。叫骤褚鹰洲她褥瀚叫门
A new secure oblivious transfer(OT) protocol from indistinguishability obfuscation(iO) is proposed in this paper. The candidate iO and a dual-mode cryptosystem
该传感器是利用不同压强下薄膜产生不同程度的弹性偏移导致电容变化的原理进行压强 The sensor is the use of different pressure under different degrees of elastic de