
来源 :人口与计划生育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyang12886
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目前,我国已形成《人口与计划生育法》、《流动人口计划生育工作管理办法》、《计划生育技术服务管理条例》、《社会抚养费征收管理办法》(以下简称一法三规),国家人口计生委的规章,各省还有《人口与计划生育条例》(以下简称《条例》)、政府规章等,已形成了较为完备的计划生育法制体系,其在人口与计划生育工作中举足轻重,对稳定低生育水平具有十分重要的意义。认真学习计划生育法律法规,充分认识计划生育法律法规在稳定低生育水平中的作用和意义,有利于提高计划生育工作人员依法行政的意识,提 At present, China has established the Population and Family Planning Law, the Measures for the Management of Family Planning Work among Floating Population, the Regulations on the Management of Technical Services for Family Planning, the Measures for the Administration of the Collection of Social Support Fees (hereinafter referred to as the “One Law and Three Regulations”), the State Population and Family Planning Commission regulations, provinces and “Population and Family Planning Regulations” (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”), government regulations, etc., has formed a relatively complete system of family planning legal system, which plays a decisive role in population and family planning work, It is of great importance to stabilize the low birth rate. Studying laws and regulations on family planning seriously and fully understanding the role and significance of laws and regulations on family planning in stabilizing the level of low birth will be conducive to raising the awareness of family planning staff in administering the people according to law
A description and results of tests of a new small-scale gage for direct measurement of skin friction force are presented in the paper. The gage design provides
载人航天的三大里程碑 载人航天是指人驾驶和乘坐载人航天器在太空中进行各种探测、研究、试验、生产等开发活动的往返飞行。其目的在于突破地球大气层的屏障和克服地球引力
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