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一、有人事权:校长有任免教导主任及以下人员的权力,有建议教育局调动教师的权力,有在所辖范围内调整教师的权力,有在编内招聘和辞退民办、代课教师的权力.二、有财权:学校设立「校长基金」,由校长掌握使用;县教育局拨给学校的经费,由校长批准使用;校长有对教职工处以向下浮动一级工资的处罚权.三、有招生权:在不影响教师编制和计划招生的前提下,校长有扩招和办培训班的权力. 1. Personnel power: The principal has the power to appoint and dismiss the director and the following officers. It is suggested that the EDB should mobilize the power of teachers, have the power to adjust teachers within the scope of its jurisdiction, and have the power to recruit and dismiss private and substitute teachers in the editors. 2. With financial power: The school establishes a “principal fund” to be used by the principal; the funds allocated by the county education bureau to the school are approved for use by the principal; the principal has the right to punish the staff and workers for a downward floating first class salary. There is a right to enroll students: Without prejudice to the establishment of teachers and plans for enrollment, the principal has the power to expand enrollment and organize training courses.
一、所有工友实行「聘用制」.聘用期为半年(一期),期末评比,工作认真负责,服务态度好、技术合格的继续聘用,否则解聘.对新聘用的工友必须进行技术考核,合格者,方能录用. 1.
Happy birthday The China National Opera(CNO)will give a concert to celebrate its50th birthday. Different generations of CNO vocalists,like Li Guangxi,Yao Honga
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一、方法测量工具:绳索两根(长5~15丈),自制竹尺两条(3~5尺),自制角尺一个(夹角90°).测前准备:每根绳索整丈处作一记号,每丈中点处另作一记号.测量人员安排:每两人拉一绳 Fi
根据中央和省教育工作会议的精神,结合我乡现有的教育基础以及人力、物力、财力等实际情况,我们初步规划到1988年全乡普及九年制义务教育。具体措施如下: 一、建立一支有足