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中山县人民政府肿瘤防治领导小组于1983年1月31日至2月2日在县人民医院新大楼会议厅召开1982年度全县肿瘤防治工作年会。有来自防癌战线的各公社负责肿瘤工作的医师、卫生院长、以及县属肿瘤防治研究有关单位的医务人员等共120人参加。中山县人民政府副县长杨少云同志以及科教办主任曹健等同志出席并主持了会议。大会通过评比和表彰肿瘤工作先进单位和个人,总结82年度肿瘤防治工作的成绩,布置83年度全县肿瘤防治研究工作新任务。与会代表一致认为必须在党的十二大精神鼓舞下,振作精神,胸怀大志,努力开创全县肿瘤防治研究工作的新局面。 Zhongshan County People’s Government Cancer Prevention and Control Leading Group on January 31, 1983 to February 2 in the County People’s Hospital Meeting Hall held the 1982 annual county cancer prevention and treatment work annual meeting. A total of 120 people, including doctors from the communes that are on the battle against cancer and medical chiefs responsible for oncology, as well as medical staff from relevant units of the county’s cancer prevention and treatment research institutes, attended the meeting. Comrade Yang Shaoyun, deputy magistrate of Zhongshan County People’s Government, and Cao Jian and other directors of science and education office attended and presided over the meeting. By appraising and commending the advanced units and individuals in cancer work, the conference summarized the achievements of the 82nd annual cancer prevention and treatment work and arranged 83 new tasks for the research work of tumor prevention and treatment in the entire county. Delegates at the conference unanimously held the view that the spirit of the Twelfth Congress of the Party, inspired by the spirit of the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and with great ambition to work hard to create a new situation in research work on cancer prevention and treatment throughout the county.
较早出版的一些中学或大学化学教材中,在讲到铁的络合物时都认为普鲁士兰和滕氏兰是不同的络合物。普鲁士兰是六氰合铁(Ⅱ)酸钾溶液与 Fe~(3+)离子反应生成的一种兰色沉淀,
随着电力电子器件的迅速发展 ,大功率交交变频装置在交流调速中得到了广泛的应用 ,但同时也出现了新的问题 ,即对电网造成的污染日益严重 ,产生这种污染的主要原因是用电负荷
苏东坡曾说:“凡世之所贵,必贵其难”。生肖邮票设计不同于其他邮票之处有三点: 一、系列规律性极强。坚持12年的大轮次才能构成一个完整的系列组合。时间跨度大,彼此间关联