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本文叙述千兆赫声表面波(SAW)石英横向滤波器的制作权限和具体性能。首先研究了铝金属化石英上SAW超精细叉指换能器的制作极限,这种叉指换能器用普通光刻法即光投影复印和接触复印法制作。利用电掩模图象复制器,获得了0.50微米线宽的叉指换能器图案。利用光传递函数进行理论估计表明,叉指换能器的最小线宽可达0.5—0.4微米。叉指换能器光刻胶浮雕图案的扫描电子显微镜(SEM)照片说明,曝光时的驻波干涉会妨碍对图案形成的精确控制,但可以用反射率低的较薄的铝膜来消除。本文还讨论了铝膜叉指换能器对千兆赫SAW石英横向滤波器性能的影响,从实验扣理论上阐明了蒸发时叉指换能器导电铝膜最小厚度与基片温度参数的关系,叉指换能器指条的电阻越大,滤波器的插入损耗也越大,典型的结果是:基片温度为80℃时,为了使叉插换能器在千兆赫下正常工作,铝的金属化厚度需在20毫米以上。本文也讨论了铝膜叉指换能器与千兆赫SAW石英横向滤波器温度特性之间的关系。 This article describes the manufacturing authority and specific performance of a gigahertz SAW quartz transversal filter. First of all, the fabrication limitations of SAW superfine-to-ground AlGaAs transflectors on aluminum metallized quartz were studied. The interdigital transducers were fabricated using normal lithography, ie, optical projection copying and contact copying. An interdigital transducer pattern of 0.50 micron line width was obtained using an electric mask image replicator. The theoretical estimation using the optical transfer function shows that the minimum linewidth of the interdigital transducer can reach 0.5-0.4 μm. Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) of the interdigital transducer resist relief images illustrate that standing wave interference during exposure hinders the precise control of patterning but can be eliminated with thinner aluminum films with lower reflectivity. This paper also discusses the effect of aluminum film interdigital transducer on the performance of gigahertz SAW quartz transversal filter. The experimental deduction theoretically illustrates the relationship between the minimum thickness of conductive aluminum film and the substrate temperature parameter of the interdigital transducer. Interdigital transducer finger resistance, the greater the insertion loss of the filter, the typical result is: When the substrate temperature is 80 ℃, in order to fork the fork transducer in the work under the gigahertz, aluminum Metallization thickness of 20 mm or more. This paper also discusses the relationship between the aluminum film interdigital transducer and the temperature characteristics of a gigahertz SAW quartz transversal filter.
中华古诗源远流长,内涵丰富,名篇佳作,美不胜收。其间包含着丰富的美学素养,以美感染学生的情绪,启迪学生的心智,引导学生由感知人手,去欣赏美、热爱美,最后创造美是古诗教学的目的之一,也是历年中考的范围之一。那么如何让美在诗歌教学中流淌呢?    一、在朗读中激发兴趣,感知美    兴趣是最好的老师,孔子曾经说:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者”。鉴于此我觉得诗歌教学的最根本是调动学生的积极性,这
过年是一件弥漫着温馨气息的事情,而年夜饭则是过年时的一部重头戏。可以毫不夸张地说,年夜饭是过年的高潮。在年夜饭里,和家里人团圆的浓浓情愫以及笑逐颜开的喜悦,被体现得淋漓尽致。  其实,年夜饭并不是单纯的一桌饭菜,更重要的是一个过程。从准备到采购到烹饪到最后端上桌子的整个过程,都是让人快乐的。在这个过程中,家里的每个人都能品尝到辞旧迎新时的喜悦和团圆时的融融暖意。  说到底,年夜饭就是一顿真正意义上
The main problem about the reform of technical post are shown in the following: the contradiction between the engaging targets and the state of person, very dif
各级教育主管部门、教研室、高中校负责人、高三把关老师: 2010年是高考继续改革创新的一年,尽管有部分省份自主命题,但高考的知识点、重点、难点是相同的。为了切实贯彻本刊
90年代中期,一种形如首饰、纪念章或衣扣的护身器将问世。这种适合男女老少携带的护身器在主人遇事时能自动报警,向警方提供出事地点和罪犯外貌特征。 In the mid-nineties