Dr. Skinner and Hungry Pigeon 斯金纳博士与 饥饿的鸽子

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  Dr. Skinner is a very nice and polite2 man, and he has a very good friend, Bob. Bob is a gray3 pigeon4 with green eyes and red feet.
  One day, Bob and Dr. Skinner had a bad fight. Bob said angrily5 to Dr. Skinner, “I don’t like you. I don’t want to play with you anymore.” And then Bob went back to his room. Dr. Skinner was worried, but Bob would not speak to him.
  Bob was too young, and he did not know where to get food. Bob played and ate with Dr. Skinner every day, and Dr. Skinner would make food for Bob.
  The first day, Dr. Skinner cooked food and asked Bob, “Bob, it is time for lunch. Would you like to eat with me?” Bob was still angry at Dr. Skinner, so he said, “No, Skinner. I will feed myself.” So Dr. Skinner ate by himself.
  However, Bob did not know how to feed himself. He knew there were food in the fridge6, but he did not want to go out and see Dr. Skinner. Bob did not eat anything in the first day, and he was hungry.
  The second day, Bob was staying in his room. He felt hungry and bored. Bob thought, “I can play with myself.” Then Bob started dancing around the room, pecking7 around and making face.
  Bob played for a while, then he found it was not funny playing with himself and he felt very hungry. “I will go out, apologise8 to Skinner, have some food, and play with him,” Bob thought. Bob opened the door, and was surprised to find that there was some food behind the door.
  “Oh, look what I have found here? A whole9 plate10 of food!I don’t have to apologise to Skinner anymore.” Bob was really happy when he and Dr. Skinner played together11, but Bob did not want to apologise. “Why there is food behind my door?” Bob thought at night. “It must be the god12 of pigeons helping me.”
  The third day, Bob felt hungry again. He opened the door, but there was nothing behind the door. “Why no food today? Am I doing anything wrong?” Bob thought. “Maybe I should dance.” Bob danced for a while, but there was still nothing behind the door. Bob felt abandoned13 and hungry. “I will go out, apologise to Skinner, have some food, and play with him,” Bob thought. Bob opened the door and there was some food again.“Maybe it’s not the dance,” Bob thought.“I should try pecking around and making face next time.”
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travel, trip, tour, journey这些单词都有“旅行”的意思,但它们之间是有区别的。  travel 通常泛指“旅行”,词义广泛,可以指长期、短期的,不论何种目的,不论使用何种交通工具的旅行,尤指长途的海外旅行。在表示抽象意义的“旅行”时也要使用travel。travels用来表示“包括访问几个地方的一次长时间的旅行、国外旅行”,也用来表示“旅行笔记”。 例如:  1. He
Step 1 (for Section A)     Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。  1. I’m Alan. Nice to m______ you.2. I a______ Linda.  3. Is her nMary?4. —What’s her f______ name?—Smith.  5. Tony is my f______ name.  Ⅱ. 选择填空。  ( )1.