在国际市场众多的运动服装中,将一条张嘴的鳄鱼绣在上衣左胸前的运动服装十分引人注目,虽然它售价昂贵,却相当抢手。这种以鳄鱼为商标的运动服被取名为LACOSTE,它是其创始人的名字。 在30年代初期,法国网球名将Ren’e Lacoste以顽强的毅力和高超的球艺,在一次国际锦标赛中击败当时称雄世界的美国选手,为法国第一次夺取这个项目的桂冠。Lacoste的杰出表现,使富于民族感的法国民众疯狂地崇拜他。
Among the numerous sportswear on the international market, the sport clothing that embroiders a crocodile with a mouth open on the left chest of the shirt is very attractive. Although it is expensive, it is very popular. This sportswear branded as a crocodile was named LACOSTE, which is the name of its founder. In the early 1930s, French tennis star Ren’e Lacoste won the championship for the first time in France in an international championship by defeating the then-ruled US player with tenacity and superb ball art. Lacoste’s outstanding performance has made the nationalistic French people crazy to worship him.