A Study on Emotion Factors in English Teaching

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  [关键词]情感因素 情感目标 情感教学
  Ⅰ. Introduction
  Feelings are objective things.Attitude is one of objective things compatibility with the needs of inner subjective experience, which reflects objective things and the relationship among people and is one of the unique high needs for students, especially English,which is of utmost importance,because emotional and intellectual development of students is the driving force. Only by learning to produce feelings will we have great enthusiasm in learning. Therefore, we must attach the importance to the teaching of English emotional factors in the full development and use of teaching activities emotional factors.
  What are emotional factors? What objective is Secondary English teaching emotional attitude towards? It is said in English curriculum standards, emotional factors, interest, motivation, self-confidence, will,spirit of cooperation and other factors that affect the students’ learning process, as well as the awareness of the motherland and international perspective in the learning process.
  Emotional goals in secondary English teaching include the followings:
  1.The purpose is to learn English and communicate fluently.
  2.Interest helps students learn English, have initiative to participate in English practice.
  3.Confidence is an important condition to learn English well and also make students dare to express in English.
  4.In English communication, attention and understanding are other kinds of feelings.
  5.To understand the motherland culture and Western culture.
  Ⅱ. Stimulate Students’Passion
  Psychology said that emotions include love, happiness, anger, fear, sorrow and other basic emotions. Teachers should strive to inspire students to learn English actively and to create English learning environment. First, teachers should use reading, legend and other methods to stimulate the enthusiasm of students, seeking full input of English learning. Teachers also should use some interesting teaching methods to enhance the artistic content of teaching, so that content may be more attractive and emotional. In this way, students will fully come into text-displayed scenes. Students may become interested in learning English as a lasting impetus. Second, the use of effective means can enrich the students’ feelings. Rich emotional experiences are the basis of students’ reading and writing.
  1.Keep smiling in class
  Teachers in the classroom should keep smiling, which will bring fun and make the class in an active atmosphere,so teachers and students are easy to interact. If teachers always look cool, this will cast a shadow in the classroom, and the atmosphere was very tense. Students fear to teachers, the desire of learning would be restrained, even disappear, which may result poor teaching efficiency.
  2. Take fun in class
  Curiosity is natural,an excellent teacher is interest. Motivation factor is the most active interest in understanding. In the use of the following methods during teaching, students may be even more active and enthusiastic and easy to memorize the knowledge:
  Image methods: for the words“eye (eyes)”, image the two“e”means two eyes, nose is represented as“y” in the middle.
  Tongue twister methods: For example, when you teach the pronunciation[o], you can use such a tongue twister sentence “in the wordsfoot, food”read [u],on the contrary,(blood)and (flood) to read [Λ ],poor read [Uз].”
  Song methods: for example,when you teach the word“week”, the method can be used, So that the words are not dull but are full of senses of rhythm.
  Play games: role-played games in the classroom,such as dialogue performances, tongue twister, small arms and others can effectively increase students’ interest in learning English.
  3.Appropriate methods to encourage students
  Students are encouraged to enhance the interest in learning. In class, students are even made to achieve some modest achievements, but also to encourage appropriate recognition. Use the words such as “very good, quite right, thank you, well done, good job”, so that students realize teachers’ confirmation to their efforts, so they will be more confidence in learning. For students who do not love learning, teachers should not criticize them in the classroom. Try to say some words“ Try again”, “Don’t worry”, “Take it easy” and other encouraging words, and it will not make students lose confidence in learning.
  4. Taking art into class
  Art in English class plays an important role. For example,when teaching the words: happy, sad, girl, boy, dog and so on, teachers can paint them on the blackboard, so students can use graphics instead of words, which are not only vivid but also are not easy for students to forget.
  5. Using Body language in class
  Body language is a kind of silent language. As language educators, teachers should not only have refined language and tone of voice, but also reasonable, natural, coordinated gestures. Body language in English teaching is very important, because it can convey the image of teachers as well as the intent of the speaker. Body language is more understandable in the western culture.
  Ⅲ. Focus on the emotional impact of teachers
  Teachers in students’ the minds are noble and sacred. Students also can affect the feelings of teachers. First, students should feel trustworthy from their teachers. Teachers should like their career, and love, care and respect students. Second, we should not only give full scope to democracy-teaching student’s confidence and enable them to participate actively in learning, emphasize the status of students, encourage students to learn independently, self-discovery, especially errors in the course of discussion, encourage students to come into independent problem-solving, protect students’ enthusiasm to enjoy the process of acquisition of knowledge, enhance students’ self-confidence, but students should respect and admire teachers. Furthermore, teachers should maintain a positive and optimistic spirit, and their unhealthy personal feelings cannot be brought into the classroom, which will not affect the students.
  Ⅳ. Conclusion
  From this, we can see that as a teacher, one should not only have extensive knowledge, solid basic skills, but also there must be a good psychological quality and positive feelings. Only in this way can we achieve emotional education to students and achieve a comprehensive development.
  In short, in English teaching, emotional factors cannot be ignored. English teachers must attach emotional factors to the non-intellectual factors and improve teaching efficiency.
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  [2]刘建华.Secondary English Innovative,Beijing Academy Press.
  [3]常汝吉. English Curriculum Standards, Beijing Normal University Press.
  [4]楼春富,姚火秀,吴秀如.The Study ,Reflection, Practice.Qingtian Bureau of Education Research,2003,8.
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