
来源 :磨床与磨削 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:humeiyu2009
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本结构为汉江机床厂龙门式导轨磨床成形修正器,其运动原理如下: 修正时,压力油通过油管1进入油缸2,推动带齿条的活塞3作往复运动。由于齿条与齿轮4相啮合,通过齿轮4带动三角滑枕5上的齿条6作往复运动,实现金钢占7、8的往复运动,从而完成砂轮的修正。角度位置调整借助旋钮11、12而实现,修正砂轮的进给转动手轮9、10来实现。示如图1、2。该修正器的优点是:由于增强了修正器的刚性和导向性,克服了抖动现象,保证了砂轮角 The structure of the Hanjiang Machine Tool Plant gantry rail grinding machine forming corrector, the movement principle is as follows: When amended, the pressure oil into the cylinder 2 through the tubing 1, pushing the rack with the piston 3 for reciprocating motion. As the rack and the gear 4 meshing, driven by the gear 4 on the triangular ram 5 rack 6 reciprocating motion to achieve the reciprocating motion of the steel 7,8 to complete the grinding wheel correction. The angular position adjustment is realized by means of the knobs 11 and 12, the correction of the feed of the grinding wheel and the rotation of the handwheels 9 and 10. Shown in Figure 1,2. The advantages of this corrector are as follows: Due to the increased rigidity and guiding of the corrector, the jitter is overcome and the grinding wheel angle
我厂生产的螺旋伞齿轮有6~7种,材质为18CrMnTi 或22CrMnM_0,一般经渗碳淬火处理。淬火处理采用转底式煤气炉加热,老式气动淬火压床淬火。该压床精度差,上下两平面平行度达不
感应因是无芯工频感应电炉的主要部件。电炉的工作性能,包括电效率、熔炼时间、电耗率、补偿前功率因数、电搅动等,在很大程度上取决于感应圈的性能。 Induction is a corel
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设计了一个单芯片实现的用于DVB C的QAM解调器.片上集成有3.3V10位精度的40MSPS模数转换器及FEC前向纠错解码器.该芯片支持4~256QAM多种模式,最高码率达80Mbps,具有宽的载波频