
来源 :军队党的生活 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cqwsly
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随着江苏沿海开发上升为国家战略,驻守在古老港城连云港市的武警连云港边检站党委主动探索军地党建联动共建新模式,形成了边检警区、连云港港区、沿海社区“三区共筑党建桥头堡”的崭新格局。同筑“过硬堡垒”。连云港边检站党委充分发挥驻地资源优势,和地方党组织做到组织联动、活动联办、党员联管,实现了互促共进。目前,边检站有5名基层党支部书记兼任社区党总支副书记,6人兼任港区企业党建辅导员,13名社区和港区党务工作者任警区党风廉政监督员。挂职地方的部队干部经常深入挂职社区和港区,帮助抓党的活 With the development of coastal areas in Jiangsu rising to a national strategy, the party committee stationed at the Lianyungang border inspection station of the armed police in Lianyungang, an ancient port city, took the initiative to explore new modes of party-building and linkage between the military and the land and formed a frontier police area, Lianyungang Port and coastal communities. Three districts to build a bridge built by the party “a new pattern. With the building ”strong fortress ". Party committees in Lianyungang Frontier Inspection Station gave full play to the advantages of resident resources and achieved synergy with local party organizations in organizing and coordinating activities, jointly organizing activities and party members, and achieved mutual promotion. At present, there are 5 border party branch secretaries serving as deputy secretary of the party branch in the frontier inspection station and 6 party-building counselors in the port area. Thirteen communities and port party workers serve as supervisors of party style and clean government in the police station. Military cadres who work in the post are often deeply involved in serving the community and the port area to help catch the party’s work
目的 对北京市、上海市、广州市、深圳市新型冠状病毒肺炎流行趋势及防控现状进行分析,为疫情防控提供相关基础数据.方法 基于卫生健康委员会官方网站公布的疫情数据,运用成
目的 对分泌雄激素的卵巢性索间质瘤(sex cord stromal tumor,SCST)患者的诊治资料进行分析,总结其临床特征.方法 回顾性分析近年来解放军总医院第一医学中心收治的10例经病
目的 分析雄激素不敏感综合征(androgen insensitivity syndrome,AIS)的临床特点及治疗.方法 对1993年1月-2019年12月解放军总医院第一医学中心内分泌科收治的临床确诊的15例
Light attenuation within a row of crops such as cotton is influenced by canopy architecture, which is defined by size, shape and orientation of shoot components
本文就高校党建工作存在的问题及如何加强高校党建工作进行分析和思考,以期对高校学生党组织建设事业有所裨益。 This article analyzes the problems existing in Party bu