The impact of plant density and spatial arrangement on light interception on cotton crop and seed co

来源 :棉花研究(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaofeidong
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Light attenuation within a row of crops such as cotton is influenced by canopy architecture, which is defined by size, shape and orientation of shoot components. Level of light interception causes an array of morpho-anatomical, physiological and biochemical changes. Physiological determinants of growth include light interception, light use efficiency, dry matter accumulation, duration of growth and dry matter partitioning. Maximum light utilization in cotton production can be attained by adopting cultural practices that yields optimum plant populations as they affect canopy arrangement by modifying the plant canopy components. This paper highlights the extent to which spatial arrangement and density affect light interception in cotton crops. The cotton crop branches tend to grow into the inter-row space to avoid shade. The modification of canopy components suggests a shade avoidance and competition for light. Maximum leaf area index is obtained especially at flowering stage with higher populations which depicts better yields in cotton production.
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